Tuesday, August 4, 2015

You are the light!

"Be comforted, and feel
the Holy Spirit watching over you in
love and perfect confidence in what He sees.
He knows the Son of God, and shares
his Father's certainty the universe rests in
  his gentle hands in safety and in peace.

ACIM Ch.20.V.8

"No longer give your attention to things that cannot happen, instead, give attention to what can actually happen to you.
Do you wish to find security outside of your own illuminated nature?
It cannot happen.
Do you wish freedom from feeling trapped by other people?
 It can happen, for wrong thoughts alone cause that feeling.
By doing this you give your attention to a treasure map, not to a book of fiction."
Vernon Linwood Howard

Guy Finley: We work very hard to correct conditions that are really no more than secondary outcomes and not the real problem at all. We fight a daily war to protect ourselves against enemies that, in fact, never are responsible for the pain we feel. The unhappiness we feel is... [continued]

Guy Finley: explains that the question in every spiritual aspirant's mind is, "When will I be free?" To know the answer, first you must awaken entirely to what it is that enslaves you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l99VUo-2vyA

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