Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Reality and truth are non-dualistic.

If you have an investment in proving that the Holy Spirit or Jesus is a magician who does things for you in the world, waves a magic wand like Merlin, you will prove it in terms of something in a relationship, a job, or even a check that arrives in the mail to pay for next month's mortgage. Or, when you want a parking space and you want to prove that is what the Course is about, you will find passages that will prove that to you, because there are sentences that seem to say that. If you want to prove that physical relationships are important, you will find statements in the Course that will prove that to you. Someone once took a very meaningful and beautiful section in the Course as proof that this is a course on homosexuality, and if you read it a certain way that is what it says. If you want to prove that relationships are real in the body, then you will read this course in a way that it tells you that you forgive someone else.

We will spend a great deal of time understanding why that is an absolute impossibility, but you will not know that if you have an ax to grind, which is to prove that you are right and Jesus is wrong. But your fear of him will be so great, that rather than say he is wrong, you will say he is right because he agrees with you. It is extremely important that you approach this course with an air of humility so that you can look at it, not as if you know what it says, but because you want to learn what it says. This course will teach you what it says, and it will lead you, step by step, around and around the same material from the first miracle principle to the glorious end of the text. You will hear the same thing over and over again, and if you follow it along, month by month, year by year, decade by decade, you will be led to that deeper layer of the Course, and you will suddenly realize what it is saying. And each time you read this course, you will swear you are reading the book for the first time. But in order for that to happen, you must give up your cockiness, you must give up your arrogance, and you must say, I don't know. Duality as Metaphor in A Course in Miracles Excerpts from the Workshop held at the Foundation for A Course in Miracles

All too often what students do is they take the reflection of truth that is found in the Course and say, this is the Course in Miracles. It is about hearing the Holy Spirit's Voice. It is about finding parking spaces. It is about forgiving this person who hurt me. It is about joining with other people. If every student kept in mind this statement, Accept no compromise in which duality plays a part (M-27.7:1), then these students would be able to understand what these hidden or deeper layers of the Course are all about. Duality as Metaphor in A Course in Miracles Excerpts from the Workshop held at the Foundation for A Course in Miracles

Just as Christ is defined by "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" this course is the same way. This is greater than the sum of its individual teachings. Its individual teachings form a perfectly integrated whole that transcends any one statement or any one principle. That is what you must understand. That is what this hidden level of the Course is, that you realize the perfect totality that this thought system represents. Again, you do not have to be able to accept it totally. You do not have to live it totally. You do not have to understand it totally, but do understand that there is nothing else like it, and nothing else that you think it is saying is what it is saying. That will leave the door open. Duality as Metaphor in A Course in Miracles Excerpts from the Workshop held at the Foundation for A Course in Miracles

It is very easy to tell when people are teaching duality. They talk about the Holy Spirit doing things for them. They talk about forgiving other people. They talk about joining with other people as if there is something sacred about joining with other people. What could be sacred about joining with someone who is not even there? That is psychosis because you are hallucinating. "What if you recognized this world is an hallucination?" (T-20.VIII.7:3) What if you understood the figures in it are all made up? What if you understood that? Then you would not fall into the trap of bragging about your getting parking spaces, or getting lovers, or getting new jobs, because you do not understand what a miracle is if that is what you think this course is about. And you certainly do not understand what Jesus is about. Duality as Metaphor in A Course in Miracles Excerpts from the Workshop held at the Foundation for A Course in Miracles

Jesus is telling all of his students: "As long as you think you are a body, and as long as you think you are regulated by the body's laws of eating, sleeping, resting, and playing, how could you possibly understand what I am talking about when I tell you what God is, what love is, and what eternity is? Therefore I will not spend too much time on that. But I will tell you enough so you will understand that what I am talking about in this course is not real. It is the closest thing to reality you will ever get in this world, but it is not real."
That is this underlying layer of this course. That is the real truth that is hidden. Not hidden by Jesus' design, but hidden because of your own fear. He says over and over again how clear and simple this course is (e.g., T-11.VI.3:1; T-11.VIII.1:1). He means exactly what he says. "Reality and truth are non-dualistic. They have nothing to do with subject and object, but there is no way you could understand it, so let me help you get out of the mess that you are in. Let me help you look at this world and yourself differently, and by doing that, you will realize that nothing is here and that you are not even here." Duality as Metaphor in A Course in Miracles Excerpts from the Workshop held at the Foundation for A Course in Miracles

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