Monday, February 3, 2014

Listen to your heart; brilliant white light.

Remember listen to your hearts whispers and allow them to bring joy, love and abundance into your life. Remember to celebrate your wins
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings
More Love More Fun More Abundance
Do You Beat Up On You Or Celebrate Your Wins No Matter How Small They Are? By

Miracles are everyone's right, but purification is necessary first. ~  Principles of Miracles #7

Start your day by saying:
I am IN love.”
This is not only
IN love with others, but also being IN love with your life.
The PhD of spirituality is mastering love.

. . . she urged me to read Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke’s Cosmic Consciousness (see Maurice Bucke )declaring that it contained brilliant accounts of the actual experience of illumination. When I did I was astounded to discover that my experience actually paralleled the illumination listed and explained by Dr. Bucke. In the original draft of my brochure I had described my experience with    brilliant white light.” But subsequently, when I showed the manuscript to a close friend he urged me to tone down the wording. ‘People won’t know what you are talking about in referring to that “white light” some may think you’ve gone off the deep end.’ Consequently I changed it. The Magic of Believing [1948] By Claude M. Bristol

Without question, human imagination, visualization and concentration are the chief factors in developing the subconscious mind’s magnetic forces. You have often heard the statement: “Hold that pose!” That, of course, means holding the mental picture or vision. Here again, suggestion – repeated suggestion – plays its part.
For example, you would like a new home. Your imagination goes to work. At first, you have only a hazy idea of the kind of house you like. Then as you discuss it with other members of your family – or ask questions of builders or look at illustrations of new houses – the mental picture becomes clearer and clearer, until you can visualize your ideal house in all its particulars.
After that, the subconscious goes to work to provide you with that house. It may come into manifestation in any number of ways. But do you really care whether you build it with your own hands, or whether it comes to you through purchase or from the actions of outsiders. How it comes to you is of no great consequence. The Magic of Believing [1948] By Claude M. Bristol

. . . Certainly, practise and timing all have their primary importance but the mental side must never be overlooked.
In this connection, I was impressed by several statements made by Dr. Marcus Bach (see Marcus Bach)in one of his first books, They Have Found a Faith. Dr. Bach tells of bowling with Father Divine and observing – from the Father Divine selected a ball, and from his stance and delivery – that he was no bowler. Yet Father Divine made a strike on his first try and it was one of the prettiest strikes Dr. Bach ever saw. “Father’s nonchalance was characteristic. He rubbed the soft palms of his hands together as if to say, ‘Well, what do you expect when the Lord rolls one!’”
Dr. Bach also wrote of an interview with Rickert Fillmore, manager of Unity City and son of one of the founders of the Unity movements. Dr. Bach asked if the works of Unity could be applied to a real estate venture. Mr. Fillmore replied, “If it works at all, it works everywhere.”The Magic of Believing [1948] By Claude M. Bristol

Remember: Expect Miracles!

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