Tuesday, February 25, 2014


If something goes wrong, it is more important to talk about who is going to fix it, than who is to blame. -- Francis J. Gable
The thing for which we prepare and which we earnestly expect usually comes upon us. Food is prepared to be eaten; clothing is made to be worn; munitions of war are produced to be used in warfare. Just as truly, preparations made for purposes of peace help to bring about the peaceful condition for which they are prepared. -- Francis J. Gable
The employee in the industrial world looks for certain fruit at the hands of his employer. He has a right to expect not only a living wage, but a wage that permits the laborer and his family to enjoy the comforts of life; in addition he may look to this tree in the field of his employment to produce proper working conditions, reasonable hours of labor, courtesy, and kindly consideration. A business institution is not immune from the operation of the principle which says that whatever is unproductive shall be weeded out of commercial life. God has need of business, and his need demands that business shall be efficient and productive. The establishment of a legitimate and worthy business is not an accident; it is implanted in a community in response to a definite demand made by the people of the community.

Men who catch a vision of the possibilities that will open to them by the application of Christian principles in their affairs, realize that it is necessary to count the cost when they determine to abandon the old ideas that have prevailed so long in business. The new course of living which they are entering upon—becoming disciples of Jesus Christ—requires new standards of action, new courage, and new strength. If the Christian business man has not developed these qualities in himself, he is likely to succumb to the pressure of old conditions which will be brought to bear upon him.

Compiled from The Christian Business Man

Introduction -
Respect for Law - 

Prosperity comes as a result of following God's laws; harmony with divine law can be reached only by a mind in which respect for law is supreme.
True Treasure
The Law of Equal Reaction - -
A definite principle underlies the fact that there should be an act of giving which is commensurate with the act of receiving. In mechanics this principle is referred to as the law of equal reaction, which provides that every action is accompanied by a reaction of equal force.
The Fruits of Business
Every business is putting forth fruit by which it may be known. Some fruit is good, some may be corrupt. Whatever the fruit may be, it is an exact index to the nature of the business, just as the fruit produced is an exact index to the nature of the tree.
Eternal Vigilance
When we apply to business the principle that Jesus Christ was declaring in this lesson, it becomes: "Eternal vigilance is the price of success."
Counting Our Resources - -
Men who catch a vision of the possibilities that will open to them by the application of Christian principles in their affairs, realize that it is necessary to count the cost when they determine to abandon the old ideas that have prevailed so long in business. The new course of living which they are entering upon—becoming disciples of Jesus Christ—requires new standards of action, new courage, and new strength. If the Christian business man has not developed these qualities in himself, he is likely to succumb to the pressure of old conditions which will be brought to bear upon him.
Supply and Demand
Faithfulness - - - - -
The True Light of Business - -
The Larger Vision
Dead Timber
The business world has no room for dead timber. If business is to be recognized and conducted in accordance with its divine nature, as a series of channels for the distribution of God's gifts, maximum efficiency and effort are demanded.
All the large industries and many small institutions find among their employees those whom the barren fig tree typifies. The man had planted the fig tree in anticipation of obtaining fruit from it. Every employer who hires a worker reasonably expects to receive a return from the worker in the form of industry and loyalty. If such return is not forthcoming the employer is justified in cutting down the tree —dispensing with the services of the unfruitful worker.
The employee in the industrial world looks for certain fruit at the hands of his employer. He has a right to expect not only a living wage, but a wage that permits the laborer and his family to enjoy the comforts of life; in addition he may look to this tree in the field of his employment to produce proper working conditions, reasonable hours of labor, courtesy, and kindly consideration. A business institution is not immune from the operation of the principle which says that whatever is unproductive shall be weeded out of commercial life. God has need of business, and his need demands that business shall be efficient and productive. The establishment of a legitimate and worthy business is not an accident; it is implanted in a community in response to a definite demand made by the people of the community.
The people who constitute the source of the demand have a right to expect that the tree of business which is thus planted shall render fruit, in the nature of service to the community. If, when they seek its fruit, they find the tree barren, it is no injustice to the owner of that business if they cut it down by refusing to support it. A business house is barren of the fruit that it is expected to bear, when it is conducted for personal or selfish profit, when it is not honest and straightforward in all of its dealings, when it is not rendering to the community the highest measure  of service of which it is capable.

A skyline streak of crimson heralds the dawn, and a lingering star fades slowly.  A breath of breeze pays an early morning call, and birds begin to twitter.  This is a new day.
Before material thoughts intrude, I lead my conscious mind to that still haven  of my soul where my own indwelling Christ opens wide the doorway of my heart. At once--mind, soul, and body--I am flooded with the light and love of God. I am lifted high above this earthly plane and filled with the radiance of Spirit.
Almost without conscious thought, I send this love and light on to those whom I hold most dear so that it may uplift, heal, and comfort them.  As I send this radiance on, I am filled with a new sense of God’s power, and I release this power to the whole world to uplift, guide, and bless all people.  The sun’s rays call me, and a day’s tasks await me.  But God is with me, and with God’s help, all shall be done perfectly.
From Prayers, Blessings, and Meditations, a Unity School of Christianity Pamphlet
“MORNING MEDITATION”   --By Elizabeth Searle Lamb
Remember: Expect Miracles!

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