Thursday, July 4, 2013

Natural vs Supernatural vs Spiritual Healing

The study of the supernatural is motivated by man’s desire to control his fellow man and secure his own superiority. The study of the spiritual is motivated by man’s desire to come into harmony with the Fundamental Order of Existence and actualize in himself the optimum qualities which are potentially present and available to him.
The clear differentiation between the natural, the supernatural, and the spiritual is
also important when we are studying the phenomena of healing. Medical science endeavors to heal on the basis of scientific research within the limits of the natural, material world. The scientific viewpoint is that man is part of nature, just like any other life form and, therefore, the only valid approach to his problems must be based on data gathered through sensory evidence.
Another approach to healing is based on the belief in the supernatural. These are sometimes called psychic healings, faith healings, miraculous healings, hypnotism, mesmerism, auto-suggestion, laying-on-of-hands, etc.
In the domain of the natural, healing power is sought in nature. In the domain of the supernatural, healing power is ascribed to individuals, or to locations and rituals, etc.
Spiritual healing is of an entirely different order. It is based on enlightened realization of transcendent Reality in individual consciousness. Essentially, spiritual healing requires at least a partial awakening of the patient to a recognition of some aspect of Spiritual Reality. It is important to emphasize that spiritual healing is not synonymous with faith healing or anything else. The emphasis of New Thought.was spiritual re-awakening.
It is safe to say that, except for spiritual healing, all other forms of healing are essentially based on phenomena of suggestion and hypnotism.
Hypnotism is an experience based on man’s belief in the power of a person, place, thing, or idea. Whenever hypnotism is at work, the healing is but an illusion, because the essence of hypnotism is illusion. Of course, many forms of illness, and other problems are essentially illusory. Therefore, when such a healing occurs, what happens is that an undesirable illusion is replaced by some acceptable illusion.
One of the most powerful instruments of hypnotism in our electronic age is television. The television exercises a powerful hypnotic influence on the viewer. It can encourage criminal behavior, it can propagate illness and it can sell remedies for illness. The right understanding of the difference between the natural, the supernatural, and the spiritual can provide us with a modicum of immunity against becoming victimized by the forces of suggestion, persuasion, seduction, intimidation, and provocation.
Enlightened man is able to observe these phenomena without being affected by them. He can preserve his integrity through the knowledge of the truth which indeed makes him free. Thomas Hora

There are many forms of hypnotism. Whatever is a new trend in the culture, or among friends and relatives, or whatever is suggested in the broadcast media exerts a great influence.

The question arises: How can we protect ourselves from being influenced? We cannot stick our heads into the sand.

However, the apostle Paul shows us the way of protection when he says: "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death" (Romans 8:2).

What does that mean?

It means that when we understand spiritual law, when we become spiritually enlightened, when we catch a glimpse of omniactive Truth as the sole Reality of the entire universe, then we are lifted up to a higher level of awareness and discover that God is the only power, the only Presence, the only Life, the only Mind there is, and this Mind is not susceptible to hypnotism, to intimidation, seduction, and provocation, to praise, pampering, persecution, or to self-confirmatory ideation. Thomas Hora

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