Thursday, May 16, 2013

You always just go around thinking about the wrong things.

We exist within the One Presence, the One Spirit. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

We make the world we live in and shape our own environment. Orison Swett Marden

Our actions are accomplished in our thought before they are reproduced outside of us. Honoré de Balzac

You always just go around thinking about the wrong things.
Your mind is occupied with trivialities, you think about things that it is not necessary for you to think about, you go into fantastic detail over the smallest subject and keep your mind grinding along all the time, not knowing that you have abandoned the control, the higher control of your mind, that you could have had. VH

Your life forces swell swiftly. Your recuperative powers are miraculous. Affirm constantly: "I am Spirit, and shed abroad health, life and strength." Believe this text: "In due season we shall reap if we faint not."ECH

Sickness is not an accident. Like all defenses, it is an insane device for self-deception. And like all the rest, its purpose is to hide reality, attack it, change it, render it inept, distort it, twist it, or reduce it to a little pile of unassembled parts. … Defenses are not unintentional, nor are they made without awareness. They are secret, magic wands you wave when truth appears to threaten what you would believe. … Who but yourself evaluates a threat, decides escape is necessary, and sets up a series of defenses to reduce the threat that has been judged as real? … It is this quick forgetting of the part you play in making your "reality" that makes defenses seem to be beyond your own control. … Every defense takes fragments of the whole, assembles them without regard to all their true relationships, and thus constructs illusions of a whole that is not there. It is this process that imposes threat, and not whatever outcome may result. When parts are wrested from the whole and seen as separate and wholes within themselves, they become symbols standing for attack upon the whole; successful in effect, and never to be seen as whole again. And yet you have forgotten that they stand but for your own decision of what should be real, to take the place of what is real. … I have forgotten what I really am, for I mistook my body for myself. Sickness is a defense against the truth. But I am not a body. And my mind cannot attack. So I can not be sick. Lesson 136

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