Friday, May 17, 2013

Clearing emotions and limiting decisions with TimeLine Therapy / The Four (4) Questions of Cartesian Logic

Why the Emotions Disappear using Timeline Therapy, (or even Morty Lefkoe or Byron Katie’s “The Work”) for that matter.

There are three reasons why the emotions disappear.  
The first is psychological. Based on the work of Leslie Cameron-Bandler in Emotional Hostage, 1987, and Alfred Korzbski, Science and Sanity, 1933, all emotions require time to express their meaning, so a switching the temporal perspective reframes the emotion, and it disappears.
The second reason is metaphysical. Based on the book, A Course in Miracles, there is only one real emotion on the planet -- love. All the negative emotions are derivatives of fear and are an illusion, so a switch in the temporal perspective shows the emotion to be the illusion it is, and it disappears.
The third reason is quantum physics. Based on the work of Quantum Physics and Calculus, position #3 is the non-mirror image reverse of the way the emotion is held in "now." So position #3 is the multi-dimentional neurological opposite of "now." What happens is that this position acts like anti-matter, and the neurological boundaries of the emotion in the body gets blown away -- they disappear.
To understand the third : Timeline therapy clears the emotions or limiting decision by appealing to the subconscious mind as to when the belief or decision was first made. The client the imagines their timeline and floats back to just before and above that event facing now. They look at the positive learning aspect of the experience and reframe or change the event to a happier outcome to release the emotion. This creates a domino effect on all subsequent events from that moment to the present. This is a simplification but you get the idea. The trick is to CORRECTLY identify the origin. And find a competent therapist. #3 also refers to Quadrant III below
The Cartesian coordinate system — allows references to a point in space as a set of numbers, and allowing algebraic equations to be expressed as geometric shapes in a two-dimensional coordinate system (and conversely, shapes to be described as equations) — was named after René Descartes.

Cartesian coordinates are represented by the following:
  • A, B = Theorem (Quadrant I)
  • -A, B  = Converse (Quadrant II)
  • -A, -B = Non mirror image reverse (Quadrant III)
  • A, -B  = Inverse (Quadrant IV)

Cartesian Logic is a very simple line of questioning attributable to René Descartes. It is a great way to examine questions and answers from every angle especially in a coaching setting. The end result will determine the next steps to take, a result of logic all points toward the same answer.
  The 4 Questions:
1.What would happen if you did
2. What would happen if you didn't
3. What won't happen if you did
Non mirror image reverse
4. What won't happen if you didn't

Now for an example:
I am thinking about joining Toastmasters.

1.What would happen if you did ?
I would have the confidence to speak in front of large crowds, and the ability to talk on a wide range of topics, thus giving me more choices.

2. What would happen if you didn't ?
I would not have the confidence to speak for something I long to be involved in and I won't be able to share what I enjoy as I had hoped to do by 2014.

3. What won't happen if you did ?
I won't feel stuck with my life as I do now.

4. What won't happen if you didn't ?
I will not make as much progress as I want to in my career.

Conclusion: So in this example it appears the right decision is to join Toastmasters.

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