Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Can a murderer be forgiven - even if they murdered someone?

In 1938, Dr. Emma Smiley was named president of the Victoria Truth Centre and later that year she was ordained as a minister. She was appointed permanent leader of the church in 1940 and for more than 40 years until her passing in 1983, Dr. Smiley became recognized as one of North America’s leading New Thought ministers.
"Eternally the Voice of the Infinite is rapping at the door of our consciousness offering us - what? New Thoughts for old, new dreams, new desires, new understanding, new knowing." Dr. Emma Smiley 

PDF download  Can a murderer be forgiven - even if they murdered someone

 The Parable of the White Horse by Emma M. Smiley

Many years ago, I was introduced to The Golden Key by Dr. Emma Smiley, minister of the Victoria Truth Centre in Victoria, B.C. She convinced me that it is the real key to peace of mind, health, wealth and happiness because it teaches Golden Keyer’s to practice the presence of God instead of practicing the presence of problems. It is amazing how effective this is. The secret, of course, is in turning The Golden Key, and to keep on turning it. And isn’t it so similar to what William Samuel taught.

Your mind is very strong by nature. Feelings, appetites, and passions must stand aside for that wonderful intuition you were born to. Keep it bright with the words: "God is my Light and my Salvation." ECH
 Annie Rix Militz: "The Atonement Understood"

Prayer 93 – Searching for a Job by Robin Duncan Are you struggling in your search for a new job?  It's important to turn over all of your concerns to make room for an amazing outcome.  Your worries and fears will only delay your happy results. 


By Vernon Howard

A man often stood at his window and prayed for rain. If the showers came he felt that heaven was on his side. But on dry days he believed he was being punished for his sins.

His neighbor also stood at the window, but he prayed that it would not rain. So in dry weather the neighbor felt favored by heaven. But on rainy days he had bitter feelings of being betrayed by heaven.
There was also a third man who stood at the window. He made no attempt to influence the weather, for he knew it operated on a different cosmic scale than his own. He did not think that heaven was either for him or against him. And he was a sane and calm human being who enjoyed all kinds of weather. from the book Inspire Yourself

If we’re living from the ego, it has no interest in doing what is truly best for us. Its only plan and purpose is to lead us into destruction. If we can start to see where it is stealing our life, forcing us to live in negativity, chaos, heartache and defeat, we can go to work in a beneficial way.

What life is all about is not what most people think it is, for life is all about inner awakening, which few people think about.~ Vernon Howard

Forgiveness offers everything YOU want.
Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world? Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always? Do you want a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that never can be hurt, a deep, abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset?
All this forgiveness offers you, and more. It sparkles on your eyes as you awake, and gives you joy with which to meet the day. It soothes your forehead while you sleep, and rests upon your eyelids so you see no dreams of fear and evil, malice and attack. And when you wake again, it offers you another day of happiness and peace. All this forgiveness offers you, and more.
Forgiveness lets the veil be lifted up that hides the face of Christ from those who look with unforgiving eyes upon the world.

Open your eyes and look upon a happy world of safety and of peace. Forgiveness is the means by which it comes to take the place of hell. In quietness it rises up to greet your open eyes, and fill your heart with deep tranquility as ancient truths, forever newly born, arise in your awareness.

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