Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Focus on the journey, not the destination.

You are fitted to speak in public when principles enthuse you. Carry nothing to extremes except your understanding of Divine Law. Compel yourself to be faithful to whatever you promise to perform. ECH

Sometimes, family gatherings can be stressful and overwhelming. Whether you see them a few times a year, or more often than that - there can be fears built up and pre-judgments of how it will be. The prayer Prayer 95 – Family Gatherings is to help you release the tension and change your concerns to joy and thankfulness. by Robin Duncan

“An adventure story revolved around a man who found a small section of a treasure map. The section hinted of a fabulous treasure and supplied a single clue for locating it. The man tried to find more sections, but failed. Deciding to use what little he had of the map, he took the first step of sailing for an island in the West Indies. There, among some rocks in a cove, he found a second section. He followed its directions to a grove of trees, where a third piece was found. So step by step, from one clue to the next, he went on to locate the treasure.” There is a rich lesson here, namely, we need take only one easy step at a time. In our search for inner liberation, we need do only whatever we can do at the present moment. It is a mistake to try to act above our present level of understanding; it is correct to do whatever is possible for the time, as elementary as it may be. VH

Learn to be satisfied with the way the law works. Mind what is true. That which you begin, finish it. ECH

To believe a thing is a truth merely because someone says it is wrong, for you are held accountable for your belief. And if it is wrong you suffer the penalty. Disease is secession and all the evils one can imagine, and its path leads to destruction; while on the other hand, science is the truest friend to man and he who follows its path will find it leads to health and happiness. Truly her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. On the Circulation of the Blood I PPQ 1863

This MP3 is part of the Introduction to Time Empowerment(r) and will help you to bring about the successful completion of an important goal or project. Prometheus Induction: Free MP3 Download

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