Friday, January 28, 2011

“There is Good for me and I ought to have it.”

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth."
Did you reject it as absurdity when you first heard it spoken that visible material objects have, indeed, no reality as matter, but that as spirit is omnipresent their only substance is spirit, and therefore there is no matter? But now you begin to understand it, do you not? This is Christ risen again in you, the hope of glory. Your hope begins to be quickened, does it not? You have an indefinable expectation of something good coming to you from seeing the point, do you not? This expectation will not fail you. Truth never fails to bring something good to the one who recognizes her. Christ is Truth. Did you feel exceeding indignation when the metaphysicians not only insisted upon the unreality of matter, but also declared that all evil performances are only a delusion of the mind?
If you put the idea away and refused positively to entertain it, or consider it at all, then you rolled the stone of unbelief against the place where you hid the idea in your mind.
But the mind is very mysteriously retentive where a truth is concerned. Some day you will find that that idea is as clear as crystal to you. It rises smiling and loving and living as ever. There is not a truth you have ever heard spoken but what it is now milling within you and preparing to appear to you again. This is the nature of Truth. Then there are more intense statements of Truth than that evil is a delusion and matter is non est.
Rev. Michael Terranova

All of Emma Curtis Hopkins’s teachings are presented in 12 chapters, or lessons. Her first six lessons always deal with the human personality or ego. The last six lessons always deal with expressing in the world. The first chapter is always “the thing itself,” or God as all there is. The second chapter has to do with denying anything that is not the Truth of God. The third is affirming the Truth. Each succeeding chapter expands on the Truth that God is all. Her progression in the lessons is designed to have us train our personal mind to be the one with the universal Mind of God. Why I was drawn to her after studying ACIM and noticing the similarities.

Michael Terranova is a student of the major religions of the world. He was one of the first spiritual practitioners at the Abundant Life Center in Vancouver, Washington. He holds ministerial degrees from "the “The Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics” and “The Teaching of the Inner Christ.” He has been a minister since 1979. He was Ordained in 2009 by Rev. Marcia Sutton of the “Christ Church of Co-Creation” where he has studied the works of Emma Curtis Hopkins for over 15 years. He is a member of WiseWoman Press, who publish the works of Emma Curtis Hopkins.

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