Monday, January 3, 2011

2012: End of the world?

There has recently been still another revival of the talk about the end of the world. Once again newspaper articles are being written and public meetings held, both in America and in Great Britain, where more or less sensational statements are made to the effect that the end of the world is now due, and may be expected at any moment. Ever since the outbreak of the Great War in 1914 the prophets have been exceptionally busy in this direction, and on several occasions groups of people have actually sat up all night waiting for the end. ...
Lecture delivered by Emmet Fox at Victoria Hall, London, on September 6,1933.

The history of mankind proceeds in no haphazard or casual way, but through the unfoldment of a number of distinct periods or ages. …

… the Great World Teacher of the new age is not to be any man or woman, or any textbook, or any organization; but the Indwelling Christ, that each individual is to find and-contact for himself. …

There is a simple test by which anyone can tell a true teacher from a false one.
It is this:
If he points you to his own personality; if he makes special claims for himself; if he says that he has received any special privileges from God that are not equally accessible to the whole human race anywhere; if he attempts in his own name or in that of an organization to establish under any pretense a monopoly of the truth about God, then, however imposing his credentials, however pleasing his personality may be, he is a false teacher, and you had better have nothing to do with him.

If, on the contrary, he tells you to look away from himself, to seek the Presence of God in your own heart, and to use books, lectures, and churches only as a means to that one end, then, however humble his efforts may be, however lacking his own demonstration may seem, he is nevertheless a true teacher and is giving you the Bread of Life.

… while the race as a whole moves forward relatively slowly on the path of spiritual development, there is now no reason at all why any individual who really desires it should not cut out all intermediate steps and make the Great Demonstration at his own pace, irrespective of any material circumstances of time, or Zodiac, or anything else whatever.

The qualities he will need for success are a single minded pursuit of Truth and the wholehearted practice of the highest that he knows at the moment.
Alter Your Life
Emmet Fox

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