Sunday, February 3, 2013


The Message of the Truth
"New Thought is simply the rediscovery of Jesus, his teaching, his vision and the genius of his life. He came declaring himself to be the Son of God, but far more emphatically the Son of man. He based his claim of being a Son of God on the fact that he was the Son of man - who is the Son of God. He did not claim unique Sonship of God but boldly declared that all men are God’s Sons. "It is written in your law, I said ye are gods."
He tells us also that this kingdom is within. Jesus always went into the within for all wisdom and all power. This, then, is the avenue of approach to the divine knowledge and power. These statements of Jesus: ‘The kingdom of heaven is within you’; ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’; ‘I and my Father are one’; and the promise ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you’ - are the four foundational statements of Jesus, and though they have been largely ignored, because not understood, they give us the whole Truth. The Message of the Truth Radiocast by Rev. Albert C. Grier, during the International New Thought Alliance Congress held in New York City, June 20-26, 1926

They Saw His Star in the East
Only when one sees with the eye to which Jesus referred when he said, “Blessed are your eyes for they see,” only when one sees with this heavenly eye can one discern the star of Jesus. It is not to see the star as the star of Jesus that constitutes the vision - it is a greater thing when the star is seen to be our star. It is the star of Jesus but he came that we might see it as our star.
Have you seen his star in the East? Is his vision your vision? Is the passion of your soul the passion that was his?
The Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Christ, comes just to the degree that this “Eastern Star” is in one’s vision.
Why I Call Myself A Christian
I am a Christian because I believe the message of Jesus Christ regarding the location of the Kingdom of Heaven - he tells us the Kingdom lies within man. It is the a common belief that heaven is a place in another world, entirely different from this, to which we go when we die, but according to Jesus the Kingdom is within man. This is the fundamental teaching of the Master.

When one tells you that which rings true, which conforms to every element of your nature and which you have demonstrated in your own life to be true, you accept not only his teachings but him.
Because the teachings of Jesus do ring true to me and are demonstrable, I call myself a Christian. (Dr. Albert C. Grier, 1928)
Seeing Through The Eyes of Jesus

Dr. Albert C. Grier
Dr. Albert Cotton Grier

e must see that his world is a fairyland, not simply in the sense that it is a land where there are a great man beauties, where there are many glorious things, but that it is a world of infinite perfection - - where everything is absolutely perfect. That is the Kingdom of Heaven which he tells us is absolutely perfect, and in this the vision of the greatest seer the world has ever known, we have the secret of his power. Jesus by that consciousness, by the potency of his soul, by the clearness of his vision, healed. He saw man’s perfect nature as it is in the Kingdom of Heaven.
If we were able to see with the childlike eyes as Jesus saw, if we can see with spiritual eyes the prefectness of God’s Kingdom for anybody, or vision the perfectness of the perfect kingdom, it will manifest in the expression of that life. That is the secret of Jesus’ power and it is the secret of our power.
When we see the universe as Jesus beheld it, we shall have fulfilled in us his promise - ‘The works that I do shall ye do’ - for to see as he saw is to know the Truth and to know the Truth is to be free.
Open our eyes, Heavenly Father, that we may see with that same clear sight with which Jesus saw. Then shall we dissolve the clouds which envelop the world. Sermon by Dr. Albert C. Grier

We have never truly left heaven - except in our thinking that we have, because HEAVEN, which is GOD, is OMNIPRESENT, everywhere, always, non-stop- God unlimited. Our insatiable hunger for Truth can only be satisfied in the dawning of a new day when the Light begins to shine for us, in us, through us, AS us. We emerge from the cocoon of confusion, stretch our wings and take flight. We have been unable to fly, all wrapped up in the gross darkness of “belief in a personal mind occupying a material body”.  But now, in Truth, we are set free.
All belief in and about “this world” is a dream-state of mind from which eventually all will be awakened.  Waking up to Truth brings the realization that “I” have never left heaven (harmony) and can never leave. I can only “think” I do in the moment I accept the cocoon as my reality.  “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment”, means simply: do not be fooled by what you “see”, but rather square everything by TRUTH.
                HEAVEN - HERE – NOW Jane Woodward

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