Monday, November 21, 2011


In many respects metaphysics is pure mathematics, and vice versa. X is the unknown quantity (unknown god whom ye ignorantly worship) which is sought and looked for by every earnest student. It remains unknown until the principle is properly applied and we perceive it as the very power which is doing the seeking.

A beginner in mathematics spends a large portion of his time looking for the answer, but when he goes further into the subject he is interested in understanding and applying the principle. He gradually learns that the answer is the natural and logical sequence of the proper application of the principle.
A beginner in metaphysics seeks the Kingdom of Heaven by trying to get things or the answers to his problems; yet the statement of the principle is, "Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and the things shall be added." That is, seek to understand and know the principle, and the answer will follow quite naturally.
In metaphysics as in mathematics the signs (or answers) follow (not precede) them that believe (are firm).
Talking about the principle of mathematics will never work out a problem, any more than talking about Truth will bring out harmony. A page of problems may lie next to a perfectly stated principle for thousands of years and nothing happen. Talking about the Truth in the most beautiful and correct form does not obtain results.
"What is the Truth?" (what is the unknown quantity represented by X?) has been asked all down the centuries, and yet the answer is stated simply by the Master, "I am the Truth."
When a man has principal in the bank, the interest accrues automatically. He puts forth no effort to make the interest.
When a man has a consciousness of Principle as everywhere evenly present, he accrues the interest in the form of that thing which will constantly solve the so-called problems of life.
In mathematics before you begin to work out a problem, you recognize one thing, and that is that the answer or solution already is. It exists before you even start to apply the principle to the problem a hand. The same thing is true of metaphysics: "Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will give it unto them." The answer to your problem or prayer already is before you even attempt to work it out.
It gives one courage to understand that there is no such thing as an unanswered problem in the universe, and it causes one to turn to the Master who eternally started with the premise, "It is done." Jesus recognized that every problem was solved before the request was spoken. He wasted no time in begging and beseeching the Principle to work out anything. He started with the premise, "It is done." The more conversant we are with the principle of mathematics the quicker we are in approximating the answer. The more we recognize the oneness of God, the quicker we see him manifest.
Everything that ever was or will be is at this moment. When Michael Angelo saw the angel in the block of marble, he conceived it as perfect, complete, and finished; and having this concept, the labour or expression of bringing the un-manifest into the manifest was simple, direct, and joyous.
If a room is in a state of chaos, before it can be set in order it must first be conceived as being in perfect order in mind. At that instant it is done, and the matter of setting it in order on the outer plane is merely the action of mind expressing itself through you.
A child labours with a simple problem. You are aware of the perfect solution, while the child is still labouring with the delusion that he has to get the answer. The same thing is true in metaphysics. Jesus stood in the same position to humanity that you stand to the child. He saw the solution instantly, while humanity struggled with its problems.
You may continue for ever to deny statements made regarding a mathematical problem. You could consume a lifetime telling what two times two are not, and arrive at no conclusion. There is only one thing which can be said regarding the equation, and that is what has eternally been true about it. The same thing can be said of man, and that is the all-inclusive statement that he is perfect now. Why is he perfect? Because he is the Son of God — now. And could the Son of a perfect Power manifest imperfection now? And if he cannot manifest it now, can he ever manifest it, since it is always the everlasting now?
"Thou shalt have no other Gods (principle) before me," is a mathematical law as well as a spiritual command. You can get results no other way, except by the exact application of the principle. The more you are aware of Principle as eternally existing the easier will the circumstance which calls itself a problem be answered.
In the process of subtraction we are told at the beginning to take the lesser from the greater number, but later on we find that we take the greater from the lesser in order to bring out the harmony, or answer, to the so-called problem. In metaphysics at first we start with seeking things, but presently we reverse this process and seek first principle and therein find everything solved.
The rules of Mathematics are hard and fast. The same is true of metaphysics. Not one jot or tittle shall be removed until the law is fulfilled. So it is with mathematics. Almost using the principle correctly does not get results, though it may approach them.
Beseeching mathematics or God to work out problems which are already solved will not help. Praising the principle of mathematics will not help. Intelligent co-operation with it is necessary, just as Jesus expressed it when he said, "I can of mine own self do nothing, but with God all things are possible."
To become one with Principle is to go the foundation of it. As well imagine that the principle of mathematics is going to set aside an unbreakable law and give you the answer to your problem as to imagine you can break the law of God. "God is not mocked," neither is the principle of mathematics. You get exactly what you put into it.
One of the most interesting problems of the Bible is that of Job. He had nothing, but the answer to the problem was "His captivity was turned and he had twice as much as he had before."
What is it that could bring out this solution? You have the problem and the answer stated, but what was the actual principle that was used to bring it into manifestation?
A child will cry over its problems, but a more advanced mathematician deletes the self-pity idea, realizing the utter futility of it. A good metaphysician will have done with this useless baggage: he will waste no time pitying himself.
When you have arrived at the answer to your problem in mathematics you throw away all the labour and work, and think no more of it. The answer neutralized the vacuum you thought existed, and this being done, you are through. The same thing applies to metaphysics. When you bring into manifestation the solution to the nothingness called problem, if you are wise you will not rehearse or go over the details of the difficulties overcome.
The principle of mathematics is impartial and impersonal — so is God. Telling the principle of mathematics that you have worked, laboured, and suffered in its cause, does not cause it to do more than it has already done, which is to supply the perfect answer to every problem. God cannot do more than all, and he has said through the Way-shower, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand"; or in other words, "there is no problem." How could there be a problem in heaven?
"Come unto me all ye that labour and I will give you rest." Come to the understanding and you have rest from the struggle in both mathematics and metaphysics. Also you come into the rich heritage. "To him that hath (understanding of the principle) shall be given" (the power to quickly recognize the answer as eternally existing), both in mathematics and metaphysics. Seek first the kingdom (principle) and the things shall be added.
"Use not vain repetition." Merely going over formulae will do nothing. "Ye seek me for the loaves and fishes" when you are always seeking for the answer to the problems, caring nothing for the principle.
To work out a problem for a child has its advantages at certain stages, but only gives temporary relief. If he is shown the principle, he can bring out results of harmony which will be permanent. He can cease his dependence on persons and go to the Source of all.
The advanced mathematician looking over the shoulder of the child sees the solution, almost as the child is setting the problem on paper; so it is which the Christ-consciousness — it knows the solution to every problem, because all problems are beliefs, and in reality exist only in the mind of the person.
When we become one with the Father and let the Christ Mind be in us, we are raised to the level of having "eyes that see."
Thomas must have his sign, but Peter understands without the sign and receives the rich blessing of understanding.

Walter C(lemow) Lanyon

Walter C(lemow) Lanyon was the author of more than 40 books on New Thought spirituality.

Because he carefully avoided publicity and made few references to himself in his writings, very few details of Walter C(lemow) Lanyon are known.

Walter Clemow Lanyon (1887 - 1967) was the author of more than 40 books on New Thought spirituality.

Little is known about Lanyon's personal life except that he was an Englishman of Cornish stock born in the United States in 1887. He was educated in the USA, France, and England, and served as interpreter and foreign correspondent. For decades he traveled all over the world, investigating and studying the various presentations of Christian teachings. He traveled and lectured all over the world. His lectures were based, he said, "solely on the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Lanyon died in California on July 4, 1967 at the age of 79.



    And It Was Told of a Certain Potter (1917)

    Embers (1918)

    Your Home (1918)

    Has It Ever Occurred To You? (1919)

    Abd Allah, Teacher, Healer (1921)

    A Royal Diadem (1921)

    Treatment (1921)

    Demonstration (1921)

    Your Heritage (1923)

    The Joy Bringer (1925)

    Leaves of the Tree (1925)

    London Notes and Lectures (1928)

    Impressions of a Nomad (1930)

    It Is Wonderful (1931)

    The Laughter of God (1932)

    The Eyes of the Blind (1932)

    Behold the Man (1933)

    Out of the Clouds (1934)

    A Lamp Unto My Feet (1936)

    The Temple Not Made With Hands (1936)

    Thrust In the Sickle (1936)

    A Light Set Upon a Hill (1938)

    I Came (1940)

    That Ye Might Have (1940)

    Life More Abundant (1940)

    Without the Smell of Fire (1941)

    2 A.M. (1944)

    The Impatient Dawn (1946)

    Ask (1970)


At one point, he underwent a profound spiritual awakening, in which he felt “plain dumb with the wonder of the revelation.” This enlightening experience “was enough to change everything in my life and open the doors of the heaven that Jesus spoke of as here and now. I know what it was. I lost my personality; it fell off of me like an old rag. It just wasn’t the same anymore.”

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