Sunday, November 6, 2011

. . . The Great Silence . . .

No matter how much we talk about God, we are always involved in opinion about that which can never be defined. No matter how much we may talk about Him, in the end we are always brought back to one basic need to experience the Presence of God as the active principle of life itself. In the end, there can be no other way than making ourselves available to Him in a realisation that there is only God in the entire universe, that nothing exists outside the range of this infinite Spirit.

Only when we know this realistically, as a fundamental in life, can we really begin that wonderful spiritual journey in which the Love of God becomes revealed in thought and word and action. What we are all really seeking to know is that we can never be separated from the Spirit of the Father.
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The frightening thing in this civilisation is that we have become obsessed by the idea that the only things that will ever get done are those which will be done in our own strength, by our own consciousness, by our own activity. And I suppose, until we really know something of this infinite activity of God, we shall continue to find it difficult to believe that simply by becoming still all power is swinging into action to bring forth every necessary Divine Adjustment.

That is where your faith comes in. You have to do it in order to experience it. It is the testimony of countless people right down through recorded history, from the ancient mystics of the East long centuries before Christ to present-day experience, that when they come into meditation, when they learn to become still in the Presence of God, dramatic events begin to unfold in their lives.

Excerpted from "The Healing Silence" by Brother Mandus

When asked “What is the most cooperative and ideal behavior on the part of the patient?”
Brother Mandus answered:

Love . . . is the central flame of life . . .
So many miracles of healing take place when we turn our attention away from ourselves and seek an objective for living joyously so that others may be prospered and because we pass their way.

We must realize that . . . in this whole area of spiritual experience must lie the prevention of so much human disease and disaster, in the end prevention was even better than miraculous cure.
Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of a Healing Revolution By Daniel J. Benor[2001]

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