Saturday, November 12, 2011

10 Things You're Proud Of.

Ten Tips For Building The Good Stuff

  1. Spend time each day comforting and nurturing yourself.
  2. Remember outward status does not equal self-worth. You are worthy and deserving of love and acceptance no matter what you have achieved or accomplished.
  3. Be authentic: allow yourself to be real. When you can be real you are demonstrating to yourself that who you are is good enough. You don’t need to pretend to be something (or someone) you are not.
  4. Admit your true feelings. Don’t fight or deny what you’re really feeling. Allow yourself to connect with what you’re really feeling, offer the emotions love and acceptance, then move through them.
  5. Make it part of your daily routine to say something loving to yourself and others.
  6. Write out ten “I am________________” statements and repeat them to yourself daily (e.g. I am worthy, I am capable, I am kind). Remember to make sure they are positive!
  7. When you make a mistake or feel less than perfect repeat this statement. Even thought I (insert mistake), I still completely love and accept myself.
  8. As much as possible, stay away from gossip, drama, judgement, and negativity.
  9. Release the past, focus on the present, anticipate great things in the future.
  10. Before bed journal ten things you are proud of about yourself.


Mine, in no particular order:

  1. Making a walking stick for a friend that's survived the Camino twice. Albeit 4 inches shorter.
  2. Getting MOS 2007 certified within the time frame I allotted.
  3. Discovering P.P.Quimby and New Thought
  4. Helping two seniors move home to live their remaining days on their terms.
  5. Studying ACIM
  6. Giving 3 Angels to three people out of deep admiration and gratitude.
  7. My Blog(s) and Photography website
  8. Learning Hypnosis and Fascination(Mesmerism)
  9. Discovering I can commit to a relationship.
  10. Realizing I AM worthy.

Subject to change!

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