Tuesday, June 16, 2015


These are 5 points we have to keep clearly in mind:

1.      There is nothing but God and His manifestation. When you recognize this, you will see that there is nothing true that you can say of the material world except that it does not exist. There are three licensed classes of “liars”, the theologian, the metaphysician and the natural scientist; for there is nothing true that we can say of the material world, as it does not exist. We can, however, say what is correct or accurate, that is, as true as anything else can be, about a material world that has no reality about it.
2.      Whilst the so-called material world is not real, we have to recognize and deal with the illusion so as to get rid of the troubles that come in its train, and there is nothing even correct or accurate we can say of the so-called material world unless it agrees with the following statement:
Nothing of any kind or description takes place in the so-called material world except the apparent thinning and disappearance of the imaginary mist of matter, which seems to hide heaven from us.
You will see in this statement that there is no existence or reality of any kind or description given to the so-called material world or anything connected with it.
3.      We have now an absolute standard of good, namely, God and heaven. We therefore can always tell which of two things is the right thing to do. It is the one most like the world of reality.
4.      We must as far as possible give up doing things materially and do everything by treatment. We have never before been able to understand what Lao-Tze meant when he said “You can do all things by doing nothing,” but St. Paul meant the same thing when he said “.I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me(Phil. 4 : 13). This means that there is not a single thing that cannot be done, in fact be better done, by doing nothing materially and treating. Trying to do things materially is , as a rule, the intensification of the very thoughts that would disappear when treatment takes place.
5.                Finally, we have to do everything our fellow man wants, after having got rid of fear by treatment. When one is afraid that doing what another wants will bring difficulties it means that there is trouble ahead. When treatment takes place and the fear disappears it means that the trouble in the cinema pictures of the future, the cause of the fear, has disappeared, and then it will be found that the best thing to do is always the thing that our fellow man wants and not the thing that we think is the best to be done.
Treatment, Or Healing by True Prayer
Frederick L. Rawson

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5  
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13
The Tao does nothing, but leaves nothing undone. Lao Tze
I cannot do anything of my own will, but according to that which I have heard, I judge, and my judgment is just, for I am not seeking my will, but the will of him who has sent Me. John 5:30

For nearly a century it has been proclaimed: Change the mind! Change the thought! Change the belief! Alas, what has not been seen is that all such directions pertain to those who believe they have a mind of their own, separate from the Divine. Regardless how many changes are made in personal minds, thoughts and beliefs, not until one identifies himself as DIVINE MIND, will his need of healing and regeneration cease.~ “LIGHT OF THE ETERNAL”~ Lillian DeWaters

“Heaven” is not a place way-off somewhere, rather heaven - or “harmony” - is HERE NOW, “at hand” as Jesus said. It becomes apparent to us as our True State-of-Mind, or True State-of-Being, when we are willing to accept that there is something greater than what we “think”. It is readily available to us, as we are always standing right in the midst of It, without seeing-knowing It.

We have never truly left heaven - except in our thinking that we have, because HEAVEN, which is GOD, is OMNIPRESENT, everywhere, always, non-stop- God unlimited. Our insatiable hunger for Truth can only be satisfied in the dawning of a new day when the Light begins to shine for us, in us, through us, AS us. We emerge from the cocoon of confusion, stretch our wings and take flight. We have been unable to fly, all wrapped up in the gross darkness of “belief in a personal mind occupying a material body”. But now, in Truth, we are set free.

All belief in and about “this world” is a
dream-state of mind from which eventually all will be awakened. Waking up to Truth brings the realization that “I” have never left heaven (harmony) and can never leave. I can only “think” I do in the moment I accept the cocoon as my reality. “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment”, means simply: do not be fooled by what you “see”, but rather square everything by TRUTH.
Jane Woodward

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