Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Align yourself with peaceful and tranquil energies

There are other Universal Laws that must be applied in conjunction with the Law of Attraction in order for it to actually work the way you want it to.

1. The Law of allowing Which has to do with removing all resistance. Notice when you are feeling anxious or constricted, and allow the flow of source energy.
When we desire something to manifest and we have negative emotions, we are blocking that creation from coming into manifestation. Releasing the resistance (negative emotions), gets us back into the state of allowing, enabling abundance and happiness to flow to us freely.
Another form of resistance that is generally overlooked is judgment. No two people are the same, so if you’re judging others because they don’t conform to you, you are not allowing others to be as they are. You are out of alignment with The Law of Allowing if you believe that another person needs to think and act according to how you think they should. If you can accept, and not just tolerate another individual’s differences and similarities, then you understand the Law Of Allowing.
Imagine yourself letting in more love, more support and more appreciation from the people around you. Imagine yourself letting go in situations where you used to hold on. Imagine things falling into place easily. Imagine being in complete acceptance of yourself and those around you.... These are just some of the experiences you'll attract when you learn to apply the next universal law -- the Law of Allowing.
The Law of Allowing is the principle of least action, of no resistance. In this state of being, we accept rather than judge; invite rather than dictate; and allow instead of control.
It's absolutely essential to tapping into a new level of abundance and freedom. We must learn to allow in order to RECEIVE!
2. The Law of deliberate creation – Which has to do with your ability to create the life you desire. You have the powere to choose your vibrational frequency!
The second law states that what you think about, you get. What you give thought to with emotion, you attract more quickly. When you think about something you desire and you believe in it, you are in the place of receiving it.
The difference between this and the Law Of Attraction is that with this law, you intentionally and knowingly create your vibration, so you don’t create by default. With the Law Of Attraction, whatever state your thoughts and emotions are right now, whether you’re aware of it or not, you receive more of it. So, Law Of Deliberate Creation is like a bullseye, while Law Of Attraction is like a boomerang.
The Law of Deliberate Creation is the art of intentionally shifting your vibration so that you are in harmony with what you want to experience. Click the video link http://youtu.be/oBru_CblV2g
3. The Law of sufficiency and abundance – Which has to do with the Universe having no shortage, lack or limitations. As you align your mind with abundance, your body actually vibrates in abundance.
Everywhere in nature we see evidence of abundance. We live in a universe of abundance. There is an unlimited supply of everything good — enough for everyone, though we were made to believe that there is not enough. It is time we learn the truth about our beings. We are enough in this moment – perfect, whole and complete, just as we are. Because we are growing and expanding beings, we desire to have more in our lives. If we’re coming from a place of “not enough”, we will never truly feel that whatever we manifest is enough. If you continue to chase things outside of you to feel that you are enough, you will never be satisfied.
On the otherhand, if we’re coming from a place that everything in our life right now is sufficient, then we can be at peace. Manifestation happens if we can be in a place of peace and gratitude for where we are now, and at the same time, excited for the things we desire to manifest.
It’s where the rubber meets the road; where we make the shift from a mindset of lack and open ourselves up to receive all the amazing things that the universe has in store. This law is called the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance.
There is an unlimited supply of everything, and every experience. There is more than enough to go around! The only thing that keeps us from receiving the abundance that is all around us is our belief that there is not enough. This lie is the lie of scarcity and limitation.
The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance brings us back to the truth: We live in a world where physically, energetically, and emotionally speaking, there is an unlimited supply of resources. We are not separate from this abundance but an integral part of it, and as such, we have the ability to create anything we desire.
Whatever you want more of in your life – whether it’s more love, more money, more joy, or more success – applying the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance will allow you to tap into the endless stream of abundance within you.
4.  The Law of detachment Teaches us to focus on our intention without the restriction of doubt, desperation or time frames. Don’t worry about “when” or “how!”
This law states that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. It’s all about trust. When you know that The Source will give you what you need, then you will learn to do the work that is required to be done, and move on. The results will take care of themselves. If we trust that the universe knows the perfect timing of when to manifest things, it even happens faster — because we get out of the way. If we stand in the way of the energy creating the outcome because of lack of trust or fear, we block the flow of energy (resistance).
By learning to trust, we live in the wisdom of uncertainty where there are unlimited opportunities created in the present moment. Detachment allows you to stay open to allow the universe to bring you something even better you thought possible.
This applies to everything you want to create: abundance, love, success, freedom and happiness.
5. The Law of pure potentiality Which has to do with the infinite potential for things to be created and manifested. We have been endowed with awesome God-given mental creative powers!
The principle of this law is based on the fact that the true essence of who we are, is pure consciousness. The Source of all creation is pure consciousness, or pure potentiality, seeking to express itself into form. I see this one as developing our relationship and connection with the Source. The Source, as I see it, is the highest form of energy in the universe — which is God. When we realize that our inner being – the spirit that animates our minds and bodies, is one of pure potentiality, we are then in alignment with the power that manifests everything in the universe.
If you are connected to The Source — to God — then you believe that anything is possible and there is unlimited creativity. You know in your heart that because you are connected to The Source, the universe will provide you with everything you need when you require them, you are unlimited in your potential. When you are in alignment with Pure Potentiality, there is no fear, and you are truly free.
Meditation is important in developing our relationship with The Source. When you allow yourself to be silent, to just be, you develop that connection with The Source – with Pure Potentiality, enabling us to feel that we’re part of The Source, and be in touch our pure, unlimited potential.
The Law of Pure Potentiality is based on the fact that consciousness itself is the essence of who we are. When we realize that our inner being, the Spirit that animates our minds and bodies, is one of pure potentiality, we are then in alignment with the power that manifests everything in the Universe. Anything is possible, there is endless creativity, and there is no limit to what we can create.
6.  The Law of polarity – Which means there are polar opposites of everything that we focus on. it can be summed up in the following statement: Unity is plural at a minimum of two.
What the heck does that mean, you ask?
It means that every subject is actually two subjects. There is the "thing" itself, and there is also the absence of it. Polarity exists within everything we can possibly experience in the physical universe. Darkness and light; joy and sadness; pain and pleasure; wealth and poverty... all of these are examples of polarity. Our universe is literally made up of opposite forces.
This means whenever we think about anything that we desire – whether it’s money, success, intimacy, fun, fulfillment – we can choose to focus either on its presence, or on its absence. For alignment to take place, choose thoughts and emotions that have a high (or positive) frequency.
Polarity represents the two extremes of one thing, which is the same thing. Example: hot and cold, love and hate, good and bad, rich and poor, etc. The ability to understand the power of transformation is important in understanding this law.
By choosing to change your perception and your attitude, you shift your perception of someone or something from “bad” to “good”. By seeking a higher frequency of vibration through your transformation, your previous lower vibration of energy gets replaced. This becomes your new reality. The bad can become the good.
It’s all up to you to make the choice to change your perception and attitude just as it is up to you to create the life you desire. Understanding the Law of Polarity is the secret to stop getting what you don't want, and start getting more of what you do. Click the video link http://youtu.be/TKB8eGdDSlc
By consciously choosing to align yourself with peaceful and tranquil energies, the floodgates of abundance open wide, providing you access to all the resources, wisdom, and blessings that life has to offer.

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