Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Wisdom Held In The Ocean Of Essence

I will give you the symptoms of a patient whom I just examined. He was a man about fifty years old and his symptoms affected me in this way. I felt a trembling sensation that went down to my head and a tightness across my chest with a tendency to sigh. This made me melancholy; then my thoughts left my body and I seemed to be in space creating places and attaching my senses to the ideas I created, while my happiness and misery was in the scenes of my own creation. I could see a sort of another world like the city of New York and it seemed so plain that I really felt the difference in the society of the city. This amazed me for it was a disease and although the man's thoughts had different localities, they affected me like a disease located in the body. Here I could see how we are affected by our opinions. His mind or belief was in matter of this world and was as plain to be seen by me as my thoughts are to a mesmerized subject. To him they were spiritual and although they were the imitation of some other's ideas, they were real truth to him. He attached his senses to the things or places he had made and in them was his happiness and misery. All the above was matter except the happiness and misery-this is always what follows a belief. All the rest I say was matter and belonged to the wisdom of this world.
By the spiritualist it would be called spiritualism; so it is, but it is of this world and confined to matter. That wisdom from above is not in this but can see through it and is not seen by the wisdom of this world at all. Now as I was out of his wisdom or this world and in the essence that flows from the higher wisdom, I was in a clairvoyant state, with my senses attached to an identity in this essence. This essence is light and is capable of penetrating this matter or mind, so that to it matter is annihilated. If a person's senses are in this light he sees all ideas as matter in the dark to those who are in them. One state is thought-reading or the wisdom of matter or spiritualism and the other is clairvoyance or the wisdom held in solution in this ocean of essence. The wisdom of this world is spiritual like an odor that arises from the earthly man. In this odor, all sorts of forms are made of a spiritual nature, governed by the same laws as their father. Thus the spiritual world is the son of its father. Jesus called it the devil, and its believers the children of their father, and as he was of matter he must be destroyed. Now the kingdom of God was not of matter but wisdom, so God called it father; as God is the son of wisdom, wisdom made man out of this essence or life. So that when he formed man out of the dust of this earth and breathed into him this breath of life, he then became a living progressive wisdom or man.
This life is the light or clairvoyant state that sees no matter independent of itself or mind and all matter is subject to this essence. Disease is the offspring of error or the devil, and wisdom in this essence acting through man can break the bars of death or error and set life free. For death is the name of something that error wants to destroy and this something is life. So the warfare is between life and death. Life cannot be destroyed but death can. The senses are attached to the identity of our belief and we are affected according to the fear that we associate with our senses. Death and disease are matter and when the senses or essence are attached to this body, it becomes subject to the laws of matter, and as mind is matter, it makes laws for strangers; as life is a stranger, it looks upon it as an enemy to death. All the happiness which death has is trying to destroy life, so for this effect it invents all sorts of diseases. This death is the king of terrors and is the worst enemy life has to contend with. Now man is the battlefield of these two powers: life and death.
… a person may feel another's pain; this comes with the sense of feeling, but this feeling contains no wisdom. This is the case of mesmerism. One subject feels the aches and pains of another; this is called thought-reading. Another sees the deranged state of the body; this is called sight, but sight is not knowledge. All this is called the wisdom of the dead. So it is, but it is not the living, for it is confined to the wisdom of error or this world. The senses may be in this light, so far as to see and describe all that is asked, but that is from the father or God. His wisdom sees the effect, feels the aches and pains, sees the cause and sees the senses imprisoned in matter, steps forward and runs the risk of being imprisoned for the sake of his friends. He sees all the causes, stands and pleads their cases, gets the verdict and sets the captive free. This is the difference in the two. One is a power without knowledge. The other is knowledge applied to an idea that it can break up and scatter to the four winds of heaven.
PPQ “About Patients” November 1860

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