Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Secret Weapon That Guarantees Victory

 Vernon Howard told the following story:

 There was a serious inner-life student whose favorite spiritual action was to read books that told him all about himself, the world and higher principles.
 One afternoon because he was out of reading material, he went down to a very special kind of bookstore, which specialized in books about the higher life. He went into the store and asked the owner, “What do you have that’s new that I haven’t seen before?” The owner responded, “As a matter of fact, a new and rare book just came in the other day. It’s solid, very inspiring and the title is ‘The Secret Weapon that Guarantees Victory.’”

The student was very interested and asked, “How much does it cost?” The owner said, “The payment, as you know, is not money, but by giving something up.” The student thought for a moment, then said, “In exchange for the book, I will give up any secret, reserved beliefs that I may have that I know more than the author, because I have noticed that,” the student confessed, “many times reading a book I found myself arguing with a certain statement, and after a long time I found out that I was all wrong and the author was right. So I will give up arguing, believing that I know more than the man who wrote the book.”
 The owner then gave the book to the student, who could hardly wait to get home to obtain spiritual food. As he read the book the idea formed in his mind that the main theme in it was simply this, continue >>

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