Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your task is not to seek for love,

but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true but it is necessary to seek for what is false. Every illusion is one of fear, whatever form it takes. And the attempt to escape from one illusion into another must fail. If you seek love outside yourself you can be certain that you perceive hatred within, and are afraid of it. Yet peace will never come from the illusion of love, but only from its reality. - A Course in Miracles.( CH16,IV,6)

If you experience peace, it is because the truth HAS come to you. And you will see the outcome truly, for deception cannot prevail against you. And you will recognize the outcome, because you are at peace. A Course in Miracles.(CH17,VI,5.6-5.7)

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