Friday, February 13, 2009


Today is the day everyone rides their hogs to Port Dover. Their poor little feet.

I read last night about someone who had a stroke some years back. Just before he was knocked out in surgery a doctor leaned over, put a hand on either side of their face and said "No matter what anyone says to you, no matter who they are, I am telling you, you can make a full recovery".

A few days later someone said "You've had a stroke, the stroke will paralyze you for the rest of your life.". They remembered what the doctor had said in surgery. They started by wiggling one toe, then the other , then some feeling in a leg, then more, then even more. Every day was aimed at some small improvement over the previous day.

Beware of the prophets of dooms. There are documented cases of spontaneous remission where people make a full recovery. Doctors, psychiatrists, nurses, your relatives and your friends are not psychic.

I'm glad he didn't listen. Richard Bandler went on to write "A Guide to trance-Formation" and "Get The Life You Want" which I'm reading.

Both the text and "Manual For Teachers" in ACIM address healing. (Which isn`t to suggest that studying the course will lead to healing the physical only that it explains disease.).

If a relationship isn't built on two people becoming healthier together, happier together, building good memories, and building a good life together, then one partner drains the life out of the other, one way or another.”. Read that in Richard Bandlers' book “Get the Life You Want” . It reminded me of this from D. Patrick Millers' book “Understanding A Course in Miracles” : “Rather than a couple joining to raise their status in the world, it would be about two people joining in an inner transformation, in which they become more healthy, whole, loving, and kindly inwardly, and thus become a benefit to others around them. That's probably the common essence of any goal two people can join in for a holy purpose.”.

Begin each day with the prayer:
"Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today."
Whether it's the smile you give a stranger or the joke you crack to the clerk or cashier to make them smile.
The love you take. Is equal to. The love you make.

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