Sunday, November 15, 2015

How can you become increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit in you except by his effects?

Father, there is a vision which beholds all things as sinless, so that fear has gone, and where it was is love invited in. And love will come wherever it is asked. This vision is Your gift. The eyes of Christ look on a world forgiven. In His sight are all its sins forgiven, for He sees no sin in anything He looks upon. Now let His true perception come to me, that I may waken from the dream of sin and look within upon my sinlessness, which You have kept completely undefiled upon the altar to Your holy Son, the Self with which I would identify. Lesson 313-  Now let a new perception come to me.

Have you ever taken a happiness quiz before?

For lasting improvements to your happiness and life first the change must come from inside your mind. This is the foundation of your life, your thoughts equal your life.  ANDY SHAW
Frederick Marx: "Living Your Life's Purpose" | Talks at Google

Lesson of Love #2
To Have Peace, Teach Peace to Learn It.

The future now is recognized as but extension of the present.
Father, we were mistaken in the past, and choose to use the present to be free. Now do we leave the future in Your Hands, leaving behind our past mistakes, and sure that You will keep Your present promises, and guide the future in their holy light. Lesson 314 I seek a future different from the past.

Lesson of Love #3
Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom

How can you become increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit in you except by his effects? You cannot see him with your eyes nor hear him with your ears. How, then, can you perceive him at all? If you inspire joy and others react to you with joy, even though you are not experiencing joy yourself there must be something in you that is capable of producing it. If it is in you and can produce joy, and if you see that it does produce joy in others, you must be dissociating it in yourself. ACIM Ch9.VI.1.1-5

Seek not outside yourself. For it will fail, and you will weep each time an idol falls. Heaven cannot be found where it is not, and there can be no peace excepting there.

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