Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Enjoy The Feast Of Plenty

“Only you can deprive yourself of anything. Do not oppose this realization, for it is truly the beginning of the dawn of light… This is a crucial step in the reawakening. ” ACIM Ch.11.IV.4.1-2, 4

 “This is your major problem now. You still make up your mind, and then decide to ask what you should do. And what you hear may not resolve the problem as you saw it first. This leads to fear, because it contradicts what you perceive and so you feel attacked. And therefore angry. There are rules by which this will not happen. But it does occur at first, while you are learning how to hear.” ACIM Ch.30.I.3

“You may insist that the Holy Spirit does not answer you, but it might be wiser to consider the kind of questioner you are. You do not ask only for what you want. This is because you are afraid you might receive it, and you would. That is why you persist in asking the teacher (i.e., your Teacher of Pain) who could not possibly give you what you want. Of him you can never learn what it is, and this gives you the illusion of safety. Yet you cannot be safe from truth, but only in truth. Reality is the only safety. Your will is your salvation because it is the same as God's. The separation is nothing more than the belief that it is different.” ACIM Ch.9.I.7

"Simply stated, a man is afraid because he suspects that he is really not the false images he has built up about himself. In reality, he is _not_ these false images, but he wants to believe that he is. All inner fear is founded on trying to believe that an illusion is a reality." Vernon Linwood Howard

Heaven is the home of perfect purity,
and God created it for you.
Look on your holy brother,
sinless as yourself,
and let him lead you there.
ACIM Ch.22.II.13 Excerpt

"Be not afraid, my child,
but let your world be gently lit by miracles.

The miracle would leave no proof of guilt
to bring you witness to what never was.
And in your storehouse it will make a
place of welcome for your Father and your Self.

The door is open, that all those may come
who would no longer starve, and would enjoy
the feast of plenty set before them there.

This is a feast unlike indeed to those
the dreaming of the world has shown.
For here, the more that anyone receives,
the more is left for all the rest to share.
The Guests have brought unlimited supply with Them.
And no one is deprived or can deprive.

Here is a feast the Father lays before His Son,
and shares it equally with him.
And in Their sharing there can be no gap
in which abundance falters and grows thin.
Here can the lean years enter not,
for time waits not upon this feast,
which has no end.
For love has set its table in the space that
seemed to keep your Guests apart from you."
ACIM Ch.28.III.8, 9 Excerpt

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