Saturday, June 2, 2012

Not the YEARS in your life but the LIFE in your years.


Gospel of Thomas
 The Gospel of Thomas Collection
The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary "Gnostic Gospels" -- texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" -- scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth.
I think by now everyone knows the Gospel of Thomas can be read at the Nag Hammadi Library.
#36 reminds of a time at my aunts. I fretted until 2 am about standing on a 6ft wooden step ladder to clean out her eaves trough. At 8am the next morning she had an anxiety attack when the PSW came. We got her into the living room on the couch and quieted her down. She told me not to leave her alone so I sat in a chair and didn’t leave. The PSW was great and got some apple sauce because she was almost out and needed it to take her pills. And her lawyer even went and got her prescription.
Yearning is wanting to be someplace else,
Trust is knowing you are where you were meant to be.
I was supposed to be there. There was someplace else I really wanted to be with someone else. And try as I did nothing seemed to work. I finally used that time to study ACIM. I had waited and waited to study it with a friend who introduced me to it after seeing Jon Mundy at Kripalu ( But they were more interested in the “Abraham Teachings”.
After about 120 lessons I realized the healing modalities I knew of were just a belief in you relation to God. If God is energy there’s an external energy people use. Another modality grounds people, which connects them to the earth which they believe God created. Some people bless the Chemo machine, the same idea. Still another, people feel disconnected so connecting strings and strands to an imaginary grid works for them. It’s their belief. Your belief of what you are that determines what works for you. I did a demo of the Reconnection Healing once. A lady opened her eyes after 20 minutes and asked when I was going to start. That got me thinking. I went on to discover Quimby and New Thought. My fiend still believes in new age stuff. They didn’t share my enthusiasm over Quimby and ACIM.
I just blogged this on Fantasy prone personality (FPP). ( You can’t judge a book by it’s cover. It's what is inside that counts. How much do you know about the other peoples childhood. As ACIM teaches it’s not our perception but our interpretation of what our eyes believe they see.  Our real job is remember what we are, wake up from the dream and return home. Forgiveness is the key.
Something is true for everyone or not true at all Troward would say.
You determine the Truth. You don’t have to worry or be concerned of the misstatements of others as William Samuel said.
I was at a Car show last night with a friend. He grew up in a foster home and knows all about cars. I don’t. I sat in the shade while he took pictures. He believes in Sin. I don’t.  I accept him and let him be.
Jane WoodwardsGod in a Box” is also about living life, not being an observer of life. William Samuel says the same thing. You find your inner balance and peace. And start NOW, don’t wait for others.
It doesn’t pay to worry. You never know what might happen. Often nothing does.
Fear is always False Evidence Appearing Real
I saw a great quote which I’ll paraphrase: “Alien movies are great entertainment and metaphors for our own fears, but we should not consider them harbingers of alien visitation.”
 If there were ET’s they’d be children of God too.
Can you judge a book by it’s cover?  No. I bought some ‘No Money Down’ books back in the early 80’s. Written on nice thick paper.  I became disillusioned when I saw an article that someone based in Vancouver had found even thicker paper to make the books even thicker but his partners had pulled the plug because people were no longer buying into it. Was anyone ever dropped off in a city without money that could wheel and deal? They said it but never proved it. Mind you people that do their homework and invested  have made money. One ‘No Money Downer’ even set up a production company in Arizona and went on to produce infomercials. People always have ideas on how to make money. But my lesson was to go to the source. NLP was another example. Bandler and Grinder created it, so I read their books to discover what it’s all about.  And, ultimately,  our source of everything is God.  
Most of us were instilled with beliefs by the time we were 5 or 6. We add to them. But we can also change or release some of the olds one too.
So far as Truth is concerned there is no power or importance in past lives, psychics, tarot cards or anything for that matter. These things are merely things or ideas with no power to help or harm.
God is the Reality.
God, Truth, Fact, Reality is the value, power and importance.
Dreams? Merely show our readiness for God. Are they loving or fearful? Or are they a reminder we still have a ways to go?
Footnote: My aunt never mentioned how much money she had in the bank. And I never asked. When she died I was given a copy of the will and never bothered reading all of it. If she wanted me to know she would have told me. She did okay. After keeping her husbands ashes in the closet for close to 25 years they were reunited at their camp, in the spot of HER choosing, with a great view. That was her only real goal.

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