Thursday, March 15, 2012

Positive and Uplifting

GodVine is a Christian Web site that focuses on uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring you in your daily life.

As Henry Hamblin wrote in 1923:

“The press closes its eyes to the good and presents the evil and thus suggests evil to you, which if you do not watch it, will produce evil in your life.
“For every bad deed reported in the papers, a thousand good actions go unrecorded. The world is full of noble deeds and gracious thoughts, and they can be seen and realized by those who look for them.
“Therefore be very careful what newspapers you read and how you read them.
“Avoid reading of the evil, seamy side of life; instead, look for the good, and you will find it. When reading your paper devote your attention to the large things, those which will go down in history. Avoid that which is mean and petty--thus will you avoid unwholesome and dangerous suggestion.
“Newspapers, periodicals and some books would have you believe that life is an unlovely thing. Life is a gracious and lovely thing. It is full of beauty and love and peace and happiness. Life is what we make it, we can make it sublime or we can make it savor of Hell. It is in our own hands. Therefore do not read either papers, books or magazines that do not present life in a joyous and optimistic way.

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