Monday, February 20, 2012

There’s no place like home.

Annie Rix Militz, Harriet Hale Rix, Malinda Cramer, Myrtle Fillmore, Miss Eleanor Mel, Kate Bingham , Nona Brooks, Fannie Brook James, Alethea Brooks Small, Harriet Emilie Cady, Ethelred Frances Folsom, Ernest Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Ursula N. Gestefeld, Lillian DeWaters, Charles Brodie Patterson, Henry Thomas Hamblin, Henry Wood, Ralph Waldo Trine, Albert Grier, James Allen, Raymond Charles Barker, Joel Goldsmith, Abel Leighton Allen, Eric Butterworth, Donald Curtis James Dillet Freeman, Dr George Bendall, Dr. Stuart Grayson, Dr. Raymond Charles Barker , Glen Clark, Emmet Fox, Joseph Murphy, Frederick Bailes, Charles Fillmore, Walter C. Lanyon, Linda Buntyn Willie, Nicol Campbell all learned and taught, to the best of their ability, the Truth. Gone, not but not forgotten.
He who is patient, calm, gentle, and forgiving under all circumstances, manifests the Truth. Truth will never be proved by wordy arguments and learned treatises, for if men do not perceive the Truth in infinite patience, undying forgiveness, and all-embracing compassion, no words can ever prove it to them.

It is an easy matter for the passionate to be calm and patient when they are alone, or are in the midst of calmness. It is equally easy for the uncharitable to be gentle and kind when they are dealt kindly with, but he who retains his patience and calmness under all trial, who remains sublimely meek and gentle under the most trying circumstances, he, and he alone, is possessed of the spotless Truth. And this is so because such lofty virtues belong to the Divine, and can only be manifested by one who has attained to the highest wisdom, who has relinquished his passionate and self-seeking nature, who has realized the supreme and unchangeable Law, and has brought himself into harmony with it.
Let men, therefore, cease from vain and passionate arguments about Truth, and let them think and say and do those things which make for harmony, peace, love, and good-will. Let them practice heart-virtue, and search humbly and diligently for the Truth which frees the soul from all error and sin, from all that blights the human heart, and that darkens, as with unending night, the pathway of the wandering souls of earth.
“The Way of Peace” by James Allen [1907]

Others that have contributed are Brother Lawrence, Brother Mandus, Judge Thomas Troward, Genieve Behrend, Prentise Mulford, Robert Collier, Warren Felt Evans, Julius Dresser, Annetta Seabury Dresser, Horatio Dresser, David Seabury and Dr. Ervin Seale. All made a difference.
Meditation centered upon divine realities is the very essence and soul of prayer. It is the silent reaching of the soul toward the Eternal. Mere petitionary prayer without meditation is a body without a soul, and is powerless to lift the mind and heart above sin and affliction. If you are daily praying for wisdom, for peace, for loftier purity and a fuller realization of Truth, and that for which you pray is still far from you, it means that you are praying for one thing while living out in thought and act another. If you will cease from such waywardness, taking your mind off those things the selfish clinging to which debars you from the possession of the stainless realities for which you pray: if you will no longer ask God to grant you that which you do not deserve, or to bestow upon you that love and compassion which you refuse to bestow upon others, but will commence to think and act in the spirit of Truth, you will day by day be growing into those realities, so that ultimately you will become one with them. “The Way of Peace” by James Allen [1907]

Every once in a while we lose sight of things and it takes a man like Phineas Parkhurst Quimby to offer a course correction and steer us in the right direction.
You can only attain to this supreme knowledge, this divine Love by unremitting endeavor in self-discipline, and by gaining victory after victory over yourself. Only the pure in heart see God, and when your heart is sufficiently purified you will enter into the New Birth, and the Love that does not die, nor change, nor end in pain and sorrow will be awakened within you, and you will be at peace.
“The Way of Peace” by James Allen [1907]

I may be the only person who has searched all the books of Charles Fillmore for the phrase “law of attraction”. He only used it once, without capital letters in his book Prosperity. I doubt that Ernest Holmes would have approved of the “Abraham Teachings” anymore than Charles Fillmore would have endorsed “The Secret”. They were students of the Truth.

He who earnestly meditates first perceives a truth, as it were, afar off, and then realizes it by daily practice. It is only the doer of the Word of Truth that can know of the doctrine of Truth, for though by pure thought the Truth is perceived, it is only actualized by practice. “The Way of Peace” by James Allen [1907]

Inner peace? Perhaps others like Alfred Aiken, Neville Goddard, William Samuel, Kenneth G. Mills and Jane Woodward were or are of this world but not in this world. Demonstrating it can be done.

He who knows that Love is at the heart of all things,
and has realized the all-sufficing power of that Love,
has no room in his heart for condemnation.
“The Way of Peace” by James Allen [1907]

Professor Hyslop pointed out that Andrew Jackson Davis, William Stainton Moses, Lenore Piper and Judge John Worth Edmonds all offered different perspectives of the “Other Side”.
We’ve created labels to justify our belief system: Viral Memetic Infection, Denial, Cognitive Dissonance and True-believer syndrome among a view.

Maybe it’s like the Wizard of OZ.

At the end Dorothy just tapped her toes together and repeated over and over
“There’s no place like home,
There’s no place like home.”
And she woke up from her dream.

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life,
"there is a great fight going on inside of all of us"
he said
"and its a fight between two wolves, one is evil. he is anger, envy, guilt, sorrow, and ego. the other is good he is joy, love, hope, truth, and faith."

The grandson asked
"which wolf will win?"
and the chief replied
"the one you feed".

He who has realized the Love that is divine has become a new man,
and has ceased to be swayed and dominated by the old elements of self.
He is known for his patience,
his purity,
his self-control,
his deep charity of heart,
and his unalterable sweetness.
“The Way of Peace” by James Allen [1907]

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