Thursday, September 22, 2011


IDENTITY I am one with storm and sunshine, I am one with wind and with rain, I fly with the birds in the forest, I grow with the wheat on the plain. My heart is the heart of the Redman, I thrill to the lure of the East; All men ever born are my brothers, I am one with the greatest and least. The roses that grow in my garden, Call to roses deep, deep in my soul; I laugh with the laughter of children, In the dewdrop catch gleams of the Whole. My song is the song of the dauntless, My heart is a stranger to fear, I live with Wise of all ages, I know that Love's kingdom is Here. ~ Henry Victor Morgan ~
Jesus-Blue Water
Henry Victor Morgan (1865 – 1952) was widely known as a metaphysical preacher of the early 20th century. Henry Morgan and his wife published "The Master Christian" from the early 1920s until his wife's death in 1931. After that it was published only intermittently. He was minister to the Church of the Healing Christ in Tacoma, Washington, until 1952.

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