Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Belief affects the mind and a phenomenon is produced.

Mind, being subject to the will, is always being changed by every thought. Even our thoughts are not our own and in fact man is a combination of ideas that are constantly working out some problem and we are all a part and parcel of this great problem. To suppose that we act of ourselves is as absurd as to suppose that a clock keeps time by the weight. There is an intelligence that governs the world or man that is not known and this intelligence acts upon the belief, while the belief is not aware of the fact.

Now all man's trouble is in this element called belief or mind. The phenomenon that we see is a fact. That is not intelligence but the effect of intelligence. Here is where we fail in perceiving how the understanding makes the cure. The doctors always address themselves to the phenomenon; I, to the intelligence.

I will state a case.

I had a young officer who had his arm shot by a minie ball through the wrist. The hand became so painful and swollen that it was necessary to amputate the limb just below the elbow. But still the sensation of the hand remained, and it was so troublesome that he could not rest; his hand was in constant pain. The stump he did not feel but the hand that had been taken off was as real as the other. Now I suppose you would say this was all imagination, for the hand was gone. Now who is to decide this question, the person that felt the pain or the observers? He felt the hand and the doctor could not change his mind by telling him the hand was gone. This was false in the true sense, for his hand was a part of his senses and the phenomenon that could be seen was nothing to his senses; he had a hand, and it troubled him. Now was the trouble in his mind or in the phenomenon that the doctor had taken off? I say it was his mind and this was what he wished to get rid of. Although he, to his belief, had lost his hand, his senses had not lost it. And to cure or satisfy his senses, he wished to get rid of his hand, for it became a source of torment. So I took hold of the stump and by explaining the truth, I changed the mind and he cast the idea away and then felt of the stump and became quiet, satisfied that it was better to have one arm and be happy and well, than having two, and being in torment.

A belief is something and if it comes in contact with matter, it will make an impression. I might bring thousands of facts to show that disease is the effect of our belief, whether we know it or not. How many there are who do not think that they are influenced by others' beliefs, when it is as apparent as it is that the sun shines on a clear day, and yet they will take their oath that no person's belief affects them when in fact they are the mouthpiece of some belief. How often do we hear this remark. I have a belief of my own. Now if they have a belief, it cannot be a fact, so that their belief is in regard to something that they think exists. So if you can make a person believe a thing exists, then his belief to him is a fact, and this he considers as his own, although it is a belief.

This is the way disease comes. We are made to believe a lie and this belief creates a phenomenon. This is the proof that our belief was founded in wisdom, when we do not know that our belief is the very thing that changes the mind and creates. Make man know this and then he will see that what he needs is to know how to correct his mind in order to get rid of his trouble. This has to be done by another mode of reasoning and this is my mode of cure: to change the mind, believing that all our troubles are out of sight but the phenomenon is in sight.
Therefore never look into the effect for the cause. The cause can never be seen by the natural eye, for man never sees the idea he is afraid of; causes cannot be seen, only effects. The cause is the belief of what cannot be seen.

The belief affects the mind and a phenomenon is produced. This is called, for instance, cancer.

Now show how we get an idea into the mind of man and the process of discovery rids the mind of the belief. And then the person is as free from cancer as a person who once believed the eclipse was sent from God as a warning to man to repent is, when he understands astronomy. The fear or belief is gone and no phenomenon can take place. So it is with all diseases, for they are all lies and to discover the mode in which they were made is the destruction of error.

Sunday, Aug. 27, 1864

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