Sunday, September 4, 2011

"I am the cause of all my distress and my dis-ease. And I am the cause of the undoing of that distress and dis-ease."

While magic (external agents:a pill, healer, psychologist, doctor) can "cure" a symptom, it cannot change the underlying thinking that led to the problem. The mind is where all the action is—that the body literally does nothing but carry out the decisions of the mind. We see through the eyes of the body not the mind which is Spirit.
Jesus-Blue Water

All is mind. The hardest lesson is to learn to go within and take ownership rather than looking externally and blaming others or circumstances.

"I am the cause of all my distress and my dis-ease.
And I am the cause of the undoing of that distress and dis-ease."

That doesn't mean you stop using external agents. You continue. But you realize you still have work to do. You start to recognize that you are as God created you. And you start to go within and ask "What is this distress or dis-ease telling me". And you start to see through the eyes of Spirit, rather than the eyes of the body (the Ego).

And one day the eyes of your spirit shall open, and you shall know all things.

For the Son of Man is not all that he seems, and only with the eyes of the spirit can we see those golden threads which link us with all life everywhere.
Jesus-Doves-Walking on Water
The truth is born out of the spring of Light, falsehood from the well of darkness.
The Essene Gospel of Peace

David V Bush, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Weltmer, Neville Goddard, Kenneth George Mills and others addressed this in various forms.

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