Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All dis-ease is in the mind.

I have said that all dis-ease is in the mind. I will try to explain it more clearly. I will separate the mind from the senses and the senses from the thing called dis-ease. Now to cure a trouble is to know how it is made. As men reason, they reason upon mathematical principles, but as they stand on a false basis, they will land sooner or later in trouble.

Dis-ease is the effect of one kind of reason.
The cure is the opposite kind of reason.
One is based on science and the other on belief or opinion.

To give the reader an idea of my manner, I will take the case of a lady that came to see me. I will show how I changed the mind and how the cure was affected. I sat down by the lady and she affected me in this way. I felt a heat in the back of my neck accompanied with pain. This affected my shoulders and the pit of my stomach. Now all this pain or heat of itself contained no wisdom, only the state of mind. This is mind and out of this everything grows or is made. This was the condition of the lady.

Now she had a belief that she had a cancerous tumor and in fact thought she had one coming. The belief was in this heat for the heat was the mind or soil to have the cancer. Now her beliefs contained the elements of a cancer to her, so she received the belief, and this made the disturbance in the mind. Now who was it that made the disturbance? Not wisdom but the devil or error. Now the sensation made her inquire what it was, and some error or ignorant physician gives his opinion that it is a cancer. So she believed this opinion, and went to work to make the phenomenon. So now I had to change her mind and destroy her belief. This set her senses free from the error and this was the cure. As my reasoning is from what I consider a false report taken for a truth, I have to make the change by illustrations. So I said, Your dis-ease is all in your mind. You think you have a cancerous tumor. This she said was a fact and not in the mind, so I went on to prove my theory and put it into practice.

So I began by a parable. Suppose I ask you if you ever saw a quince and you say, I don't think I have. I said, will you tell me how it looks, how it smells and how it tastes? This you cannot do so you admit your ignorance. Then I commence to explain how it grows on a tree like a small pear tree and I describe it to the best of my ability. You listen. Now all the time your mind is going through a chemical change and you really create a quince after my description. Now this quince is a spiritual one but it has a real name, so you start up excited to find a quince, and as fruit is known by names, you approach a fruit store and look at the various kinds of fruit. At last your eye strikes on the kind you think is a quince, so you buy one and come and show it to me and say, I have found a quince. I say are you sure? You say pretty sure. Have you not a doubt? Why, I cannot say certainly, but I am as sure as I can be without being certain. So I say to you, It is a quince. Now this is wisdom, but in the quince there was no life nor wisdom, and in the name, there was no life nor wisdom to you. But when I put your senses and the name to the thing called quince, then out of this came life or a truth. This is wisdom.

When you heard the name of tumor or felt the sensation of heat, of course being a little excited and your curiosity awakened, you went to find the cause of your trouble so your senses would enquire of everyone what it was. At last you got the idea of cancerous tumor. Now of course you would look for it the same as you looked for the quince, so your senses would look all over the body, and of course you would be very anxious to find where it generally located itself or stopped. At last you settle that you have found it by the direction you have had from me so you come to me and say, I have found it. I ask you where, you say in the stomach. I ask you when you got it and how it came there. This you can't tell, only that it came without your knowing it. So I say you have made it yourself by listening to the devil or error in the opinion of the medical faculty or public opinion. This you can't believe, so I then commence to explain the trinity of dis-ease.

Man's trinity is the word, the flesh and the opinion.
Science is the word,
the flesh is the thing, and
the theory is applying the thing to the thing named.
PPQ 1864

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