Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Welcome to Dirty Electricity (DE), sometimes called ELF, ELFR

Emerging Scientific Research suggests that the Poor Quality of the Electric Power in our Homes, Schools and Workplaces may be Making Many of us Sick. Most of us assume that the danger from electricity is safely confined to the wires in our homes, schools and workplaces. But, what most of us don't know is these same wires have become conduits for dangerous levels of radio frequency (RF) radiation and other harmful electromagnetic energy. Dirty Electricity, Electrical Pollution, Dirty Power, call it what you will, it's a dangerous, insidious form of electrical contamination that's now invading our homes, schools and workplaces. Until recently, this phenomenon had largely escaped the attention of the general public and medical community.
Now, emerging scientific research shows that the Dirty Electricity present in today's homes, schools and workplaces can have dramatic and serious health consequences for many of us … http://www.dirtyelectricity.ca/index.htm
An interview with Dr. Magda Havas, a leading researcher in the area of DE, from Trent University (Peterborough, Ontario). http://biotech.about.com/od/biotechindailylife/a/dirtyEinterview.htm
What is Dirty Electricty? Here's What Everyone Should Know About Electrical Pollution http://www.dirtyelectricity.org/

Electrical Pollution Solutions http://www.stetzerelectric.com/ http://www.electricalpollution.com/ provides references dealing with power quality issues and provides information about the Graham/Stetzer filters and the Stetzerizer™ meter Non-ionizing radiation is also electromagnetic radiation. Non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules. Examples of non-ionizing radiation include radio waves, microwaves, and visible light.

Non-ionizing radiation does have energy. It is non-ionizing radiation that gives you that sun burn when you forget to wear sun screen. It is non-ionizing radiation that enables the microwave to cook your pizza. Radios and cell phones receive signals in the form of radio waves which is also a type of non-ionizing radiation.


Radiation Extremely low frequency (ELF) is a term used to describe radiation frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz.

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