Saturday, July 31, 2010

Walk the talk

Sundar Singh was raised a devout Sikh, and consecrated from his youth to become a Hindu sadhu. However, his spiritual longings were not fulfilled until emotional and spiritual turmoil drove him to urgently ask the true living God to reveal Himself fully, lest he take his own life in the hope of finding peace in the next. The outcome was strikingly similar to that described in Acts 9:3-5 of the Bible's New Testament. Thereafter, the born again Sadhu became a living witness of the eternal security, peace and comfort he had freely received.

The Sadhu spoke of his own experience -- the Rest and Peace which he enjoys (Bisram, Santi, Aram). Previously he had no lack of everything which the world could give -- wealth, family etc., but he did not enjoy Peace through them. But in Christ he had found peace (Santi) when he realized his relationship with Him. A doctor friend of the Sadhu's related that a man whose arm was broken through an accident came to him and said, "Doctor, my arm is very painful. Take the pain away for me." The doctor told him that first of all the two broken bones must be set and be knit together; then the swelling and the pain would go away of themselves. In the same way people want peace and they want blessings but they don't want to come into right relationship with God, the Giver of blessing. When we come into this right relationship with Him, our restlessness will go and in its stead we shall have wonderful peace.


Similar to Tomas Vieira's message about "A Course in Miracles". You can study it for 25 years but when are you going to live it.

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