Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Perfection within imperfection.

"Learn to be thankful for what you already have, while you pursue all that you want." Jim Rohn

The human mind causes sickness, fears, worries and woes.
The divine mind brings an everlasting sense of worth, wellness, love and peace.

The Will of God: Bringing My Children Home Paperback – March 4, 2014
by Dr. Robert Weltman

In this two part series, Dr. Bob discusses the part of you that talks to God. Is it soul, spirit or something else? Is it the decision maker within you?

Healing Aspirations Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVje1o3T-qdAnY8h8Kd48A

Autism: “Theirs is perfection within imperfection".Autism Spectrum Message

Dr. Bob: The Footladder of Notes Divine: What is the Footladder of Notes Divine?

The True Self is the essential you. It is entirely free of all negative emotions, such as panic and despair. You were born with the True Self. It is the real you. _It can never be lost_, though it may be presently dominated by the False Self. Vernon Linwood Howard

Now thankfulness is just the beginning; next, you've got to challenge yourself to produce. Produce more ideas than you need for yourself so you can share and give your ideas away. That is called fruitfulness and abundance. Here's what I think fruitfulness and abundance mean - to go to work on producing more than you need for yourself so you can begin blessing others, blessing your nation and blessing your enterprise. Once abundance starts to come, once someone becomes incredibly productive, it's amazing what the numbers turn out to be. But to begin this incredible process of blessing, it often starts with the act of thanksgiving and gratitude, being thankful for what you already have and for what you've already done. Begin the act of thanksgiving today and watch the miracles flow your way. Jim Rohn

Autism: "God can infiltrate every mind. Here are the people who can think outside the box". Autism Spectrum Message

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