Sunday, April 22, 2012

From the limited to the unlimited.

Thomas Troward regarded death very much as he would regard traveling from one country to another. He remarked to Behrend several times, that he was interested in the life beyond and was ready to go. His only concern seemed to be the sorrow that it would cause his wife and family. Troward would have said, “I am simply passing from the limited to the unlimited.” He died on May 16th, 1916, in his sixty-ninth year.

An hour before Quimby breathed his last (January 16, 1866), he said : “I am more than ever convinced of the truth of my theory. I am perfectly willing for the change myself, but I know you all will feel badly, and think I am dead; but I know that I shall be right here with you, just as I always have been. I do not dread the change any more than if I were going on a trip to Philadelphia.”

“If a thing is true at all, there is a way in which it is true throughout the universe.”

The Quimby Manuscripts were published by Horatio W. Dresser in 1921.
Troward died in 1916, his knowledge of Quimby would have been limited.

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