Sunday, April 8, 2012

“Choose what you really want, for you will surely get it.”

Jack Ensign Addington (- 1998) New Thought Minister, Author ,Lawyer and Lecturer – left a successful legal practice to become a minister. During his twenty years in the ministry, he founded two large city churches. He was the co-founder, with his wife, Cornelia Addington, of the Abundant Living Foundation, which brought his teachings to thousands of students in the United States and Canada through radio broadcasts and the publication of the Abundant Living magazine. After retiring to Kalispell Montana, Jack Addington died in 1998.

"Setting and achieving goals becomes an art and a science when one realizes that goal-achievement is governed by definite mental laws and not by luck or chance. Everyone should know these laws and how they work. Everyone should know the penalties of misusing the laws, as well as the successes that come with applying them wisely and properly."

Cornelia Addington
“Wonder-Working Power of God” [1987]
Jack & Cornelia Addington
“Drawing the Larger Circle, How to Love and Be Loved” [1985]
“All About Prosperity and How You Can Prosper” [1984]
“I Am The Way, 365 Affirmations”[1982]
“Your Needs Met: The Healing Nature of Spiritual Mind Treatment” [1966]
“ Joy of Meditation”[1979]
“Perfect Power Within You” [1973]
“All About Goals and How to Achieve Them” [1977]

Jack Ensign Addington
“Hidden Mystery of the Bible” [1969]
“Psychogenesis Everything Begins In Mind” [1971]
“ Secret of Healing” [1979]
“Time for Miracles Is Now” [1973]

"The people in the Bible allegories are all states of consciousness.”

“Death in the Bible is NOT to be taken 'literally' but in the context of rooting out and destroying bad 'thought'.”

In silent meditation, we are never alone, and the answers to our dilemmas, come through to us deep in thought.

"Setting goals gives direction to life,"
said Jack Ensign Addington
"If you don't have goals, you have no direction. You're going to drift and get nowhere. Setting a goal creates a mold into which the energy of life flows. It's a law of the mind -- that which you can conceive of, believe in and confidently expect for yourself, must necessarily become your experience."

"I Think Prosperity"
- Dr. Jack Ensign Addington

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth ... it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it." Isa. 55:11

My word for good renders successful everything I undertake. I expect success and I find success. My feeling of inner Wealth neutralizes any suggestions of lack on the outside. The Wholeness of God within is my Wealth. God's Abundance is my abundance. It flows through my mind into manifestation. God gives me ideas and clothes them with all that is needed to bring them into perfect form. The moment I cease to struggle with the outside conditions and turn to the Infinite Source within, the floodgates are opened and good is poured forth into my experience.

I am employed by God who rewards my services with lavish praise and generous remuneration. I think prosperity. I speak prosperity. I am prosperity. My every act produces prosperity. I dare to give as freely as I receive, knowing that I cannot outgive God. I think prosperity and I demonstrate prosperity to the glory of God who lives through me. And for this I am most grateful.

And so it is.

Watch your thoughts; they become words
Watch your words; they become actions
Watch your actions; they become habits
Watch your habits; they become character
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

“Choose what you really want, for you will surely get it.”
Jack Ensign Addington, All About Goals and How to Achieve Them

Because he carefully avoided publicity and made few references to himself in his writings, very few details of Walter C(lemow) Lanyon are known.

Jack and Cornelia Addington, founders and editors of Abundant Living magazine, received three letters in the early Sixties, from their long-time friend, Walter C(lemow) Lanyon


“TRUE Law operates naturally and actually and doesn't have to have a thousand and one gimmicks and tricks and treats to cause the power of the WORD to operate.
Actually, I should think that some of them that hammer away at it three times a day would suddenly blow up-it is so hollow and filled with everything but the truth. So many come to me saying the same things, ‘It's all words with no results.’ And that is about it-it has turned into a business racket, and many of them are unconscious of the dishonesty of it all. But there is the TRUTH of Jesus Christ that flows through and gives and gives and gives and that is the very thing that is flowing through you and your new expression.”

“Life is wonderful when we can quit trying to make it that way and LET it be-just a sort of inner integrity that stays even when the point of the sword is right in front. So many are trying to MAKE it-it's already done, when we can let it happen. The greatest gift of all is always awaiting our acceptance – ‘This IS Life eternal.’"

Lanyon also wrote:
And it was told of a certain potter (1917)
Embers (1918)
Available @ The Internet Archive

1 comment:

  1. PSYCHOGENESIS is a book that really can stop you in your tracks (so to speak) and thus, guide you to having more abundantly "Balance In The Universe"..marvelously!
