Monday, August 5, 2024

Forgiving Others


Forgive them by seeing and thinking of them as they are in their real state, the state of Purity and light. Forgive their sleep and dream, because of its unreality and nothingness. Our Self can forgive us. Our Self can forgive THEM.

From the state of pure VISION and Love, we can forgive anyone, and everyone. Unhappy memories will not linger with us. When the unfortunate incident or situation has been blotted out of memory - as though it had never been - we know the meaning of FORGIVING OTHERS.
Some people find it hard toforgive. This is only because they do not know the Way of forgiveness and are trying of yheir personnal selves to attain to it. Of course it is impossible. They may pray long and earnestly to be able to forgive, they may be sincere and honet, but in their hearts they know that such forgiveness has not come, and they remain ignorant on the Way it is to be accomplished.
Light of the Eternal - Lillian De Waters - 1945

[In 1924, she had an awakening experience where a veil was parted and Truth was revealed to her.]

Once the veil is lifted from your eyes and you see Truth and understand “this world” for the fantasy it is, you will never again be able to see it the way you did before. The veil is removed in Christ (which is Light – or understanding). Jane Woodward "Regarding The World Of Appearances” [2005]

In the holy instant nothing happens that has not always been. Only the veil that has been drawn across reality is lifted. Nothing has changed. Yet the awareness of changelessness comes swiftly as the veil of time is pushed aside. No one who has not yet experienced the lifting of the veil, and felt himself drawn irresistibly into the light behind it, can have faith in love without fear. Yet the Holy Spirit gives you this faith, because He offered it to me and I accepted it. Fear not the holy instant will be denied you, for I denied it not. And through me the Holy Spirit gives it unto you, as you will give it. Let no need you perceive obscure your need of this. For in the holy instant you will recognize the only need the Sons of God share equally, and by this recognition you will join with me in offering what is needed. (ACIM, T-15.VI.6:1-10)

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