Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Greetings! All Hail to you, one and all! Once again we come flashing forth. Here and there and everywhere that a copy of F1ashes of Truth may go, Greetings!

Flash es of Truth has felt to "lay low" during the time of paper shortage and difficulty in printing. There have been many reasons why it seemed wise to refrain from publication. But now, the war is over. There is no longer a reason for silence, so, ALL HAIL! And again, greetings and blessings!

Yes, ·we have all lived through the time of gas and other rationing. Students have found it difficult to come to us. You know the story. But that time has passed. War is over, and so is rationing. And yet, throughout all of the days of rationing, when butter and meat and gas, eggs and oranges, seemed as elusive as the ground-hog, never has faith been rationed; never the Love of God subjected to government regulation. NEVER! And it never will be!

The gifts of God come to us freely, as freely as we can receive. Glorious Truth! Our ever available God never hides behind any kind of a cloud, be it a cloud of dust or war. Always and always is the "Son of Righteousness" risen "with healing in His wings!" And under His wings shall we trust. Are you trusting?

Glorious days of reconstruction are at hand. Let us all make ready. War is over and Peace is being established, slowly, but surely. For, is not peace here? Has it not always been here as a gift of God? "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." Have we accepted His gift? Do we live in perfect peace in spite of world disturbances? How can this be done? Through knowing that 'God is in His heavens', and sooner or later His peace is bound to express in all its fullness. Hard as it may seem, let us forget the miseries brought on by war, not neglecting our part in giving comfort to those who have suffered most. Let us forget the wrong doing, and remember the right doing of those who are heart and soul eager to bring about a lasting peace. "Thou shalt forget thy miseries and remember them as waters that pass away!"

So, let us, "forgetting those tl1ings which are behind, press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Here in New England we are still wrapped in the throes of a severe winter. Ice underfoot, snow everywhere else, cold and wind, and anon a blast of sunshine. But we know that winter is but a herald of spring. We love to think that the sun is getting higher-the days are getting longer and soon . . . spring will be here with its miracle bursting of fresh new life. o it must be with all of us. Whatever the winter of our souls through which we have been passing, let us look up and march ever forward to the wonderful opportunities offered through unwavering faith in Christ and His established Kingdom. Forward and onward and upward! Y es, Jet us forge ahead with boldness and daring, with full faith in the ever increasing power of God's Love.

So, on this eve of the twenty-seventh anniversary and birthday consecration of the Boston Home of Truth, we greet you, "All Hai]!" Let us go on together -let us go on !


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