Sunday, March 27, 2022

CHILDREN are never too young to be trained in the New Thought.

 Excerpts from TRAINING OF CHILDREN IN The New Thought ~ 1903


"Hold the thought still, and in the face of delay and disappointment still hold the thought strong! Make the demand for what you want; make it without fear and without doubt, and it must by the law of cause and effect fall into your hands!"

I do not think that New Thought people clearly understand what is meant by effort. To most of you " effort " means " I can and I will." To me " effort " means exactly the opposite; that is to say, repose. The nerves and muscles of a New Thought devotee are keyed to a high tension to perform his task and to crown his effort with success. My success has always come to me when nerves and muscles were relaxed. The New Thought devotee goes out into the world to look for things. My policy after mature experience has been to let things come to me. It is a strange fact that if the law is clearly observed, the law of concentration, we seem to be sought instead of seeking.


The tendency to criticize others is so common, and was so marked in my children, that I had a motto displayed upon the wall in a wooden frame. The motto consisted of four letters in large capitals,
 *'M. Y. 0. B."
which, being interpreted, means
" Mind Your Own Business."


CHILDREN are never too young to be trained in the New Thought.


It seems to me that almost the first thing to teach a child is how "to go into the silence." It is wonderful what an interest they take in this, and how beneficial it is in developing self-reliance. My own children gave an hour of their time every evening after dinner to this practice. Earl called it " unharnessing." It was really a complete relaxation of mind and body nerves and muscles were relaxed, and they were gradually taught to so control their thoughts that they could sit in the silence with me waiting in complete passivity for an hour of perfect repose.
Sleep is one thing; conscious repose is another.


The first real consciousness of power comes from the satisfaction within. What is the purpose of our lives here? Is it not to offer to the high intelligences, who are ready and waiting to communicate their knowledge to us, a harmoniously receptive mind? When the fight has been won and I can bring to the communion with the higher powers a spirit of peace and holy quiet, then, and only then, can I expect to hear and interpret aright the Voice that speaks without tongue.


Let me earnestly recommend all who read this chapter to apply themselves to this simple practice. This is what is meant by " making a center." This is "going into the silence." There is only silence when the thoughts are held in bound. It is in this silence that the spirit speaks its message. It is the silence of Healing : the silence of Instruction ; the Eloquent Silence.

Excerpts from TRAINING OF CHILDREN IN The New Thought ~ 1903


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