Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My brother, choose again.


“I Am Here Only to Be Truly Helpful”

…I should like to review a prayer from the early part of the text:

“I am here only to be truly helpful” (T-2.V.18). It was originally part of a personal message for Bill, which did not belong in the Course itself since it was specific to a particular situation. We took the message out, but kept this prayer because it was so lovely. I will start with its introduction:


You can do much on behalf of your own healing and that of others if, in a situation calling for help, you think of it this way:

I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.

I do not have to worry about what to say or what

to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.

I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing

He goes there with me.

I will be healed as I let him teach me to heal.


This prayer can be misleading if we confuse form and content. Yet its meaning is clear from what follows, not to mention Jesus’ message to Helen about not looking through the eyes of judgment. The two sections in Chapter 2 that come next also make clear that Jesus is not talking about behavior. In fact, he gently chides Helen, as the reader may recall, for asking him to take away her fear of something external, saying, in effect: “Do not ask me to remove your fear, but instead let me help you with the conditions of the mind that led to it—your willingness to be separate” (T-2.VI.4:3-4).

This prayer, therefore, is a wonderful expression of…finding oneself in a situation that calls for help. Combining this prayer with other concepts in A Course in Miracles, we realize that what is helpful—the only thing that is helpful—is to remind people they can make another choice. This is the only true help we can be to anyone, the meaning of living with Jesus under his arch. Thus, in the midst of a conflicted situation, we strive to be a presence that says to all people: “My brother, choose again. Choose a thought system that does not see separate but only shared interests.” Everyone is calling for help—victims and victimizers, good guys and bad guys, scapegoatees and scapegoaters—for we are all in the same ego boat. Extending help means manifesting the peace that comes only from being in the right mind, reminding others that the holy instant we have chosen is the same one they can choose—right-mindedness instead of wrong-mindedness. The former always sees separate interests, makes distinctions, and perceives differences as justifiable and valid; the latter sees in everyone the universal call for help and its universal answer. In other words, right-minded thinking does not acknowledge the concept difference, only sameness.


Understanding this will help us not fall into the form-content trap in reading this prayer. I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him Who sent me does not mean that Jesus or the Holy Spirit send people to us, although that is our experience, as it was Helen’s and Bill’s. Yet how could They really send people to us? There are no people to send! Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not involved in the world of form, and yet we keep trying to drag Them into our insanity so that They would share it. We do this because we think that if They join our insanity, we would become sane. Therefore, not only do Jesus and the Holy Spirit not send people, They do not do anything at all, being only a Presence of right-minded and loving thinking in our dream. Since this dream is in the mind and not the body, it is to Their loving Presence that we bring our unloving thoughts, returning from the ego’s world to Jesus’ world, to live gratefully at last within the pillars of his loving arch.

Excerpted from The Arch of Forgiveness


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