Saturday, May 1, 2021

“Be Healed That You May Heal”


About 500 B.C. it was written: "It easily happens that a man, when taking a bath, steps upon a wet rope and imagines that it is a snake. Horror will overcome him, and he will shake from fear, anticipating in his thought all the agonies caused by the serpent's venomous bite. What a relief does this man experience when he sees that the rope is no snake! The cause of his fright lies in his error, his ignorance, his illusion. If the true nature of the rope is recognized, his tranquility of mind will come back to him; he will feel relieved; he will be joyful and happy.

This is the state of mind of one who has recognized that there is no personal self, that the cause of all his troubles, cares, and vanities is a mirage, a shadow, a dream." So again, illumination reveals that there is no error, that what appears as the snake-sin, disease, discord, death-is reality itself mis-perceived by finite sense. Then discords are not to be hated, feared, or resented, but reinterpreted until the true nature of the rope–reality -is discerned through spiritual sense. The snake-disease or discord-is merely a state of mind, with no corresponding external reality. It must be understood that no illusion is, or ever can be, externalized.


... there's a place where the course says you cannot of yourself lift yourself completely above the thinking of this world but you can so purify your thoughts by yourself that it is but a step from there into that quantum field of total inner peace this is the meaning in the Sistine Chapel of the painting of Michelangelo when God's hand is about to touch the human hand that you can go so far and then God Himself reaches down and takes you the rest of the way ..."

from How To Place Your Future In The Hands of God | Marianne Williamson

Florence Scovill Shinn never said to you, “What is the matter with you?” She said, “WHO is the matter with you?” She was completely right. WHO is the matter with you? Do you have a problem? Then look for the WHO. And get rid of that WHO. How do we find ourselves? We do so by going “within.” We get to know ourselves, to understand how we are made, and then we learn to use the magnificent power within us. MILDRED MANN HOW TO FIND YOUR REAL SELF

 “Be Healed That You May Heal”

If you truly want to help and make a difference in the world, heal yourself. Recall the famous biblical line “Physician, heal thyself.” The Psychotherapy pamphlet, the first pamphlet Helen had taken down, ends with that very statement: “Physician, heal thyself.” If you really want to help people, which means helping to heal their belief in separation, you must provide the example of one who believes that the separation is not real, which means you must experience within yourself that you are no different from the person you are helping. You are different in form perhaps, but not in content. As the text says: “Be healed that you may heal, and suffer not the laws of sin [separation] to be applied to you” (T-27.VI.8:5).  Excerpted from Healing the Unhealed Mind FACIM

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