Sunday, December 16, 2018

God Realization Is Pure Demonstration.

There’s no excuse in the world for anyone on the spiritual path to think in terms of competition. There isn’t an excuse for anyone in the world, for anyone here to think in terms of what some other movement is doing, or what some other teacher or practitioner is doing, because it has no concern for you or me. There is nothing that anyone on earth has that we want. Our only desire is
for that which God imparts, gives, reveals, unfolds, discloses to our individual experience. That is why when you achieve the Garden of Eden, once you achieve the realization that God not only is the creative principle of your being but the maintaining and sustaining principle, you don’t have consideration for what anyone else is doing. You let each live according to their own right. You live in your conscious union with God. Accept that which God sends to you, whether of patients or students, whether of supply or of dollars. You’ll find that applies in your healing work. It is no concern of yours what or how much or how little a patient or a student may give or not give for healings or for teachings. Your function is to be so consciously at one with God that healings take place. When healings take place, supply automatically takes place. Not necessarily from or through the person who received the benefit. They may not be in the position, at that moment, to express gratitude adequately to their sense or your sense, in terms of dollars. But that doesn’t change God’s ability to maintain you and sustain you in infinite abundance, regardless of what anyone’s means may be at any given moment. That is why you never connect the thought of gratitude with a person. Never do you think in terms of what this individual gives or does not give, you think only in terms of your attaining the God realization to bring about the revelation of harmony. In that God realization lies your supply. And if it isn’t in or from the source or avenue that you think it should be, it will be from others, so don’t think in terms of through whom it should come, or when it should come, or why it should come. Never think in those terms. Never connect your supply, or the idea of your supply, with any human beings. Never permit yourself to think that your supply has any relationship to human beings, because it hasn’t. Your supply has to do with your consciously realized relationship with God. Then your supply will flow abundantly. You may have a hundred people today, and supply from only one. You may have only one person tomorrow, but supply from a hundred. You have no way of knowing this. It isn’t your function to know. It is your function to live in God realization, in that first chapter of Genesis. When you are so consciously one with God, as a sunbeam is one with the sun so that warmth and light flows through each sunbeam without any relationship to the sunbeam on your left or the sun beam on your right, when you are expecting the unfoldment in your individual experience as a direct result of your conscious union with God, now you’re not expecting it from husband, or wife, or teacher, or student, or patient, or neighbor; then you will find the real meaning of living in the Garden of Eden, in the first chapter of Genesis.

When you get the realization of the spirit of the Lord, there’s freedom from lack and from limitation, and sin and disease, and all these other things. And there-in is this morning’s lesson; where the spirit of the Lord is, where the consciousness of God’s presence is, there is liberty, there is freedom from sin and disease, and death and… Do you see that? There’s nothing to this whole Infinite Way but that; where the consciousness of God’s presence is, where the spirit of the Lord is.

Joel S. Goldsmith 1956 (excerpts)

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