Saturday, November 26, 2016

God is the Healer

"Become as a little child," and, learning how to be still, listen to that which the Father will say to you through the intuitional part of your being. The light that you so crave will come out of the deep silence and become manifest to you from within yourself, if you will but keep still and look for it from that source. Excerpt from LESSONS IN TRUTH by H. Emilie Cady

While she was herself a practicing physician, she had come to know that it was not her prescriptions which had accomplished the healing, but the Power of God revealed to the patient by his efforts to change the tenor and quality of his thoughts, by abandoning his destructive thinking and training himself in trust and joy in the Lord. The more deeply she thought on these things, the clearer became the conviction that God is the Healer; and as she was an open-minded person, she learned of Charles Fillmore's Unity Movement, then in its formative stage in Kansas City, and sent him some articles and letters. Mr. Fillmore liked them and so did his readers of Unity Magazine. The demand for more of the Cady articles became insistent, as did the demand for a book which would state the underlying principles of the "new" approach to God in simple, clear terms; and because Miss Cady seemed to have all the requirements, she was asked to write such a book. Thus, the world-renowned book "Lessons In Truth" was written. In the book published by the Unity School of Christianity entitled "Unity's Fifty Golden Years," there is a quite full account of that organization's publications of Dr. Cady's writings. The book now known as "How I Used Truth," formerly known as "Miscellaneous Writings," is made up of the separate articles she first sent to Charles Fillmore.The Story of Dr. H. Emilie Cady
by Ella Pomeroy

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