Friday, April 8, 2016

The Truth shall set you free.

Growth comes by daring to risk more of the unknown than we are willing to risk. Dare it, venture it — and grow.
'My known ways of thinking have brought me nothing but failure, so why cling to them?'
 Forget the difficulties, and confusions, and disappointments, for they are unimportant. Remember the only vital thing — the direction in which you are heading.
Confidently abandon yourself to higher truths.

Vernon Linwood Howard

"Inner-strength is natural and permanent superiority. It is superiority without vanity. Human beings love to be superior, feel superior, in a wrong attempt to make them think that it’s a real and good and necessary state. True and permanent strength is there all the time in the spiritual world and if you are also in that spiritual world, then you have it without having any sense of being superior to anyone else, because superiority in the false way is in the intellect and intellect only." VLH

Miracles are everyone's right, but purification is necessary first.

Purification is of God alone, and therefore for you. Rather than seek to prepare yourself for him, try to think thus:

I who am host to God am worthy of him.

He who established His dwelling place in me

created it as he would have it be.

It is not needful that I make it ready for him,

but only that I do not interfere with his plan to restore to me

my own awareness of my readiness, which is eternal.

I need add nothing to his plan.

But to receive it, I must be willing not to substitute my own in place of it.

The Holy Spirit links the other part--the tiny, mad desire to be separate, different and special--to the Christ, to make the oneness clear to what is really one. Christ and His Father never have been separate, and Christ abides within your understanding, in the part of you that shares His Father's Will. In this world this is not understood, but can be taught. ACiM

From the Minds are Joined file
·         Have you ever been in a long line, stared at the back of the persons head in front of you and mentally said “Turn around?”  Did someone in the line turn around?  Maybe  the very first person in line.
·         Have you ever mentally asked a one year old a question and had them respond?

From the Relax, It’s Only a Ghost file 

I was doing some work in 1997 at an Insurance company in Scarborough (the name is unimportant). I was hired for a knowledge transfer of their computer systems to another insurance company in London (again, the name doesn’t matter)
 One day after lunch I was in a meeting where a girl of Chinese Canadian descent was doing a presentation. During her presentation an elderly Chinese (Canadian?) lady suddenly appeared a few feet away looking at her with a big warm smile. This went on for a few moments. Then her gaze was transfixed on the people around the meeting table. The same big warm smile, that is until she got to me. The smile was replaced by surprise when she realized I could see her. She side stepped.  I followed with my eyes.  She side stepped.  I followed with my eyes.  She side stepped. I followed with my eyes.  She side stepped behind the speaker and disappeared. 
Does that prove there is the other side? No.
Does that prove some people don’t know their dead? Maybe.

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