Monday, April 25, 2016

Great Rays

The "Great Rays" is a term used to refer to the light that radiates from God, extending to Christ, His one Son. Symbolically, a spark of this light is present in the right mind of the separated son.
Neither the "Great Rays" nor the spark are physical forms of light, but are symbols having nothing to do with the actual seeing of the body’s eyes. The term is used to symbolize a reality that is spirit, not physical, in contrast to the ego’s identification with the body. When we begin to identify less and less with the ego, we will be more aware of the truth of who we are as God’s one Son, not limited to the body. This awareness is a form of seeing, and is symbolized by a spark of light and the "Great Rays." As we learn to "see" with the Holy Spirit, we grow from having a tiny suspicion, a spark of awareness that there is a reality beyond what the body’s eyes behold, to a clearer realization of the reality of spirit. We "see" that there is a light in our minds that reflects the truth, and represents the memory of God, the Oneness we all share. We will ultimately learn to dismiss any ego thought that darkens our awareness. When we do, only the light will be left: "And from this light will the Great Rays extend back into darkness and forward unto God, to shine away the past and so make room for His eternal Presence, in which everything is radiant in the light" (T.18.III.8:7). With terms such as this, it is important to remember what the Course says about words: "Words can be helpful, particularly for the beginner, in helping concentration and facilitating the exclusion, or at least the control, of extraneous thoughts. Let us not forget, however, that words are but symbols of symbols. They are thus twice removed from reality" (M.21.1:8,9,10). Just as we need to go beyond the symbol to learn the message the Course is giving us through it, we learn to go beyond the body to the light that is in everyone we see. "As the ego would limit your perception of your brothers to the body, so would the Holy Spirit release your vision and let you see the Great Rays shining from them, so unlimited that they reach to God. It is this shift to vision that is accomplished in the holy instant" (T.15.IX.1:1,2). This does not necessarily mean that we see actual rays emanating from anyone. It is a shift in our perception that will take place in our mind, when we allow judgment to be replaced by forgiveness in the holy instant.

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