Monday, March 17, 2014

Choose for yourself that mansion of mind or heart in which you would dwell.

"If you cannot find yourself, stop thinking about this self you are trying to find, then notice the change." Vernon Linwood Howard

Without Comparison God and You Are One

"This is a moment in eternity." VH

“When you realize that eternity is right here now, that it is within your possibility to experience the eternity of your own truth and being, then you grasp the following: That which you are was never born and will never die.” ~ Joseph Campbell

We can live in the castle of noble ideas about our own higher consciousness. Step Up to a Higher Level of Life by Guy Finley

Changes are required in the minds of God’s teachers. As the teacher of God advances in his training, he learns one lesson with increasing thoroughness. He does not make his own decisions; he asks his Teacher for His answer, and it is this he follows as his guide for action. This becomes easier and easier, as the teacher of God learns to give up his own judgement. The giving up of judgement, the obvious prerequisite for hearing God’s Voice, is usually a fairly slow process, not because it is difficult, but because it is apt to be perceived as personally insulting. The world’s training is directed toward achieving a goal in direct opposition to that of our curriculum. The world trains for reliance on one’s judgement as the criterion for maturity and strength. Our curriculum trains for the relinquishment of judgement as the necessary condition of salvation. M9

It isn’t that nothing happens in our minds as a child when events happen until there is a critical mass, we are actually giving meaning to each event.  Remember, as I pointed out above, when we ascribe meaning to an event that meaning applies ONLY to that specific event.  Now what I think happens is that after giving a similar meaning to similar events over and over, at some point we generalize and form a belief. So we start with childhood occurrings, which lead to beliefs, which lead to adult occurrings. If there are multiple instances of a child giving meaning before a belief is formed, then it should be possible for parents to help a child realize the meaning he gives each time is not the truth, that it is only how the event occurred to him.  If the child were able to dissolve each meaning as he becomes aware of it, then negative beliefs would never get formed (or at least there would be far fewer of them).  The way that beliefs ultimately demine our lives is by being the primary cause of the meaning we give events. Morty Lefkoe
It is easy for you to be a walking encyclopedia. But if you heed the Voice of the Spirit of Truth you will always care more for the Wisdom of Spirit than for the ages of stars. This is your text: “I came forth from God.” ECH
"You are quite capable of reacting in a happy and healthy manner to everything that happens to you." VH

The central lesson is always this; that what you use the body for it will become to you. Use it for sin or for attack, which is the same as sin, and you will see it as sinful. Use it to bring the Word of God to those who have it not, and the body becomes holy. Oneness and sickness cannot coexist. M 12

"'The way I go through my day can be described with a single sentence,' stated an inquirer.' I feel vaguely uncomfortable.' The teacher commented, 'Of course you do. This is because there are so many things in your day that should not be there, like foxes in an orchard. Despair is one of the foxes. I will give you a clue for getting rid of it. Do not fear your own despair.'" VH

Harmonizing with the Love that You Are
The core essence of what you are is love. How you choose to express and share that love is up to you. You can make the decision to withhold the love that you are or you can choose to live and share the love that you are.
We withhold the love that we are when we listen to man made rules dictate to us who to be and what to do, abiding by beliefs that say it is safer to follow the rules than follow the love. You can tell what you are following, the rules or your love, by the way your life feels.
The love that we are is released when we say yes to what we love. That may be listening to music we love, cooking a meal we love, working at a job we love, spending time with people we love, visiting places we love or growing flowers we love. We harmonize with the love that we are when we say yes to our true desires.
Affirmation: I bless myself and others by harmonizing with the love that I am.

"Ignorance consists of not knowing that ignorance can be temporary. An ignorant human being, ignorant about what life is all about, loves that position because when you’re ignorant of truth and reality, you can weave your own dream world according to your own desires, your own neurosis, your own madness. An ignorant person is quite free to construct the kind of a world that he wants and the worst part of that is, he does not know that the world that he wants is the world that is going to wreck him.
The human mind is terribly deceitful, to put it mildly, and unless you start off with that fact, you are indeed going to create your world. And I’ll tell you what it will be like. As if I need to tell you because you already live in it. That’s a world of frantic self- convincing, a world of burning, brooding and hostility and it is a world of shakiness."

“Option is from the Latin word for choice and the Greek word for servant. Both roots are quite appropriate for the name of the method whose goal is to serve by helping people to realize the role that personal choice plays in their emotional states.”
Bruce Di Marsico, “A Brief Condendium of the Option Method”

To look up and not down—is faith.

To look forward and not back—is hope.

Greater Good Science Center: Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude

Remember: Expect Miracles!

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