Monday, January 9, 2012


Scientific Christian Mental Practice (SCMP) is refreshing. If only to get an idea of what Nona Brooks Myrtle Fillmore and others of the Mental Cure or New Thought era were taught, either by Emma Curtis Hopkins or representatives of her.

At church they talked of an Omnipresent God but never the Truth. I’ve studied that on my own. And in my journey I discovered what “What the Bleep”, “The Secret” and “The Celestine Prophecy” had to do with the Truth. Absolutely nothing.

Her 1st six lessons related to the ego and the Christ within, the power of your own mind.
The latter 6 lessons related to your relations in the world, your surroundings.
The 1st lesson in Truth is the word God.
By mind alone we are taught we are to live and be strong.
By mind alone we are supported and defended.

The Truth is that Good is God., and God is omnipresent and omnipotent, thus the Good is omnipotent.
IT follows there is no apartness.

`There is good for me and I ought to have it.`
`There is good for everyone and everyone ought to have it.``
I and the Father are ONE.

There is no evil.
There is no matter.
There is no absence of life, substance or intelligence.
There is nothing to hate.
There is no sin, sickness or death.

Prosperity, is the acknowledgement, either consciously or unconsciously, of the presence of God.
My Good is My God. My God is Life, Truth, Love, Substance, Intelligence, - omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent.
In God I live and move and have my being.
I am Spirit, Mind, Wisdom, Strength, and Wholeness.
The I AM works inevitably through me to will and do that which ought to be done by me.
I am governed by the law of God and cannot sin, or fear sin, sickness or death.

I do not believe in sickness, I believe in health.
I do not believe, or think, that misfortune has any power whatsoever.
I believe in prosperity and success.

If we feel that around us is God we may hear from the bushes like Moses. We may hear a voice from the air, as Samuel did. We may hear a voice from the clouds as Jesus did. If we contemplate the God within us we shall feel the voice within us, and it will be as audible as if it were without us. Whichever way we nay hear it, we seem to turn our faith in that direction, and our strength comes from that kind of faith. If we are determined that ALL is God we shall not be limited to the voice within nor the voice without. Everything will bear witness that we are in God. Then there is no seeking, and no command to be firm.


There is only One Mind. That Mind is the source of all thoughts.

There will come a moment when we appreciate how closely related our thoughts are to our world. We will see that our reasoning’s based on the premise of matter being real, are not enduring, as to the conditions they have made. If we have spoke of riches as being the possession of material things, and then reason why we should have riches, we are talking entirely of nothing. Riches are the presence of the Holy Spirit in us. All reasoning based on that premise is solid reasoning and will demonstrate in good symbols.

As Divine Mind, which I am, I work the works of God, who works through me to will and do that which ought to be done my me.
`The words of that I speak to you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.`

Lesson 6.

The mathematician who studies mathematics for the sake of a seat in the university is not a successful mathematician, he is superficial and external.

The science of spirit is to be studied for itself, not external performances, for in keeping your eye on external works you can see that the works are your goal, while the goal ought to be the Spirit itself.

The ego or Adam nature are the erroneous ideas of God and Life. The Christ nature holds the faithful ideas of God and Life.
One is shadow, the other substance.
One is unreal, the other real.
Matter and the intellect , part of the Adamic or ego nature, keep us in the darkness.
We abide in the Light when we acknowledge the Christ as our true nature.

All that is real demonstrates in health, goodness and peace. That which demonstrates otherwise is the Adam nature, the ego or shadow of thought, claiming to be real but never real at all.

You are the projector, projecting what you see. While you see the world through the eyes of the ego there remains a dark spot on each and every frame. When you see the world through the eyes of the Holy Spirit or Christ the lens has been cleaned and the dark spot has been removed.

“Your task is not to seek for love but to remove the barriers to love’s presence. (ACIM)“
“It is not for you to change the externals. You are to know what is true. This is your whole business in life. Knowledge of Truth is its own demonstration. (SCMP)”

“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

As Emmet Fox said in 1933: "seek the Presence of God in your own heart, and to use books, lectures, and churches only as a means to that one end".

I took a prosperity course once. Someone meant well but they used a template of the AA format and placed 4 additional conditions upon the course. There are no conditions to prosperity from the prospective of the Holy Spirit.

Just as energy vampires and negative energy are beliefs of the ego. I went to Sahaja Yoga with a friend once. I became a Yogi. They clear chakras and throw the energy anywhere and everywhere. I also went with a friend that channeled. She was told their were evil dark forces in opposition to the forces of Light.

That was her truth, not the TRUTH.
There's a cute picture of Myrtle Fillmore riding side saddle on her way to a healing convention with her sons at Unity. I often wondered how H.(Harriet) Emilie Cady got around to Boston, Chicago and other places teaching her "Lessons in Truth". I guess side saddle, horse and buggy or the train were the only means at her disposal. You have to admire their spunk.

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