Saturday, January 29, 2022

“Awaken in the Dream,”


"Heaven is not a place nor a condition.
It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness,
and the knowledge

that there is nothing else;
nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within."
(ACIM, T-18.VI.1:5-6)

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Mt 18:20)

“… spirit does not live in the brain. Turn your statement the right way, and heal the brain which it made. It is not the other way.” Pg 175 Absence from Felicity

Later in the Course, however Jesus makes it clear that miracles only involve a change in mind, and that the body is not involved with sickness or healing.

The miracle is useless if you learn but that the body can be healed, for this is not the lesson it was sent to teach. The lesson is the mind was sick that thought the body could be sick; projecting out its guilt caused nothing, and had no effects. (ACIM, T-28.II.11:6-7)

“Help Christ to reach your spirit and don’t depend on your brain.”  Pg 177

1.       “Jesus, my brother, show me your love.”

2.        “Here I am Lord” and don’t think of anything else. Just in your mind slowly from everywhere else and centre it on these words.   Phrases given to Bill Thedford to help him focus on J.


… you can begin to see that the purpose of everything related to the course the lessons and the texts are all designed to draw your attention from the ego body mind and direct it toward the vast eternal loving presence that is always the truth of all of us it can't be ruined it can't be defiled nothing can happen to it … Carol Howe: The Observer Role

“Awaken in the Dream,” featuring the work of author and independent researcher Paul Levy, offers a radical integration and synthesis of many perspectives from the realms of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, mystical Christianity and the work of C. G. Jung. The insights that Paul shares in his work have emerged from hard-won experience of a many-year long ordeal which amounted to a shamanic descent into the dark depths of the underworld of the unconscious individual and collective psyche.  

This site is devoted to shedding light on the psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that the Native American wisdom holders call “wetiko.”

Wetiko short-circuits the individual’s ability to see itself as an enmeshed and interdependent part of a balanced environment and raises the self-serving ego to supremacy. It is this false separation of self from nature that makes this cannibalism, rather than simple murder. It allows – indeed commands – the infected entity to consume far more than it needs in a blind, murderous daze of self-aggrandizement. Author Paul Levy, in an attempt to find language accessible for Western audiences, describes it as ‘malignant egophrenia’ – the ego unchained from reason and limits, acting with the malevolent logic of the cancer cell. We will use the term wetiko as it is the original term, and reminds us of the wisdom of Indigenous cultures, for those who have the ears to hear.

Jon Mundy Live with Paul Levy

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