Monday, June 20, 2016

They're talking about everything.

Abundance is a feeling, we are surrounded by abundance every day, and sometimes we don’t see the small things that do create abundance.
If we raise our awareness we are in the feeling of abundance. We need to embrace the feeling of being abundant by celebrating in the moment when we notice the abundance flowing in. Keep reading here​​​​​​​

"This is not a course in the play of ideas,
but in their practical application.

Nothing could be more specific
than to be told that if you ask
you will receive.

The Holy Spirit will answer
every specific problem
as long as you believe that
problems are specific.

His answer is both many and one,
as long as you believe
that the one is many.

You may be afraid of His specificity,
for fear of what you think
it will demand of you.

Yet only by asking
will you learn that nothing of God
demands anything of you.

God gives;
He does not take.

When you refuse to ask,
it is because you believe that
asking is taking rather than sharing.
ACIM Ch.11.VIII.5 Excerpts

Never be suspicious of anybody. The more you believe in them the surer they will be to do right by you. ECH

"When the Elders pray, they use this expression - 'all of our relations'. And they're not just talking about human relations. They're talking about everything." Blair Stonechild

You are always to be sustained by this mes­sage: “I am with you always.” ECH

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