Saturday, October 29, 2011


  • First, learn to relax and stay relaxed. Sit or lie down and allow all your limbs and then all your muscles, from head to toe, to become limp and easy. Stay comfortable, and relax your feelings and emotions, then your mind. Slow it down gently until the myriad thoughts are fewer. Do this once or twice a day or so, according to your individuality, and you will soon experience the difference between your body-machine and the Real Self. Now, practice thinking of a problem you are interested in, practice feeling successful, know that what you want is possible. Just take it quietly and you will be surprised at how you enjoy these periods of relaxation, and soon you will be going around your everyday life feeling better, less worried, and with a new poise and confidence.
  • When practicing your relaxed periods when you are quiet, imagine yourself as you really wish yourself to be, and with all the abilities and faculties you need. Imagine yourself successful, and create a mental image of yourself in this condition. Let this image, without strain, get strong, clear and definite, and as an actual picture-image.
  • Do this every time you relax, and then try to carry this new, successful image of yourself around in your awareness all the time. Soon it will become second nature. Your machine-body is now governed by a personal Self that is geared for success; ask it to do things for you, imagine them being done and finished, and the Abstract Self can respond with its built-in Success-Mechanism and cause you to 'home' on to your target.
  • Suppose you imagine a house you would like to live in. Depending on how much you have concentrated on our exercises, you should be able to hold a clear image of the house in your mind for several seconds, perhaps even minutes. But the architect, the specialist who designed the house, had to hold the image of the house, in totality, for perhaps many hours, and it was perhaps days or weeks before he completed all the final details that would enable it to be built in completeness. The final result is a complete crystallization of ALL the energy put into the totality of the whole idea of the house. It is made, not only of bricks and mortar, but all the work-energy put into it by the builders, all their emotions and struggles, and all the mental energy of the architect and so forth. The final result of all the various ideas and forms at different levels of matter is the physical matter-form of the house you were trying to think of.

  • Try aiming a morally harmless thought at a person when you enter a room. For example, that he will pick up a paper, or discuss something unusual, and make your thought simple, direct and clear. Imagine it actually happening, and know that with your new self-image based on success, it just WILL happen. You will be surprised how many times people will be impelled to take on the intent of your action.

  • One of the best exercises for developing, and proving, the power and creative ability of the mind - even on matter - is this: take the longest hair from your head and thread it through the eye of a needle. Also, thread it through a card balanced on top of a high tumbler, so that the needle hangs free in the middle of the glass. Try, each day, to imagine and will the needle to start moving, swinging against the sides of the glass. Have patience - it will work. Just the least movement to begin with, but gradually more and more momentum. You can eventually obstruct the course with a little water; with practice, however long it takes, you should be able to move not only the needle, but the glass as well!

The Method for Personal Success Summarized

Relax completely and do not allow your mind to wander. Think upon the ability, faculty or thing you wish for, and know that whatever you create in your mind, must come to pass, since you now have a positive self-image and faith in yourself. Hope for the required need earnestly, then project the thought out into space - it will find its mark. Now concentrate upon the image operating here and now upon somebody, the image's target, and then visualize that thing already with you and being used or operated by you. You have now completed the circle, which must start and end with you, since you have desired, imagined, hoped for, concentrated upon the people who can assist you and the actual thing you wish for, and you have believed it will come to pass.

Owing to the nature of our time-sequence, the thought must function in the time duration before the energy can leave you and gravitate to the other person, and then it has to be returned to you by a like process. There may be many intermediate steps that you could not have accounted for or conceived of in your imagination, but the energy must be returned to you. Hence, you must have sufficient patience to allow this time-sequence to be fulfilled, and you may feel that the images need re-enforcing - practice improves the process no end and sometimes there are factors which one has forgotten which might have helped reduce the time factor.

We suggest that you try this method on small things first, and when success comes, try larger ones. Remember, as you deal with larger volumes of energy, you are dealing with a larger mass, and the time-sequence could take longer to fulfill.

You, during every second of your waking life, are thinking through the conscious mechanism of the mind. These thoughts as energies pass into the subconscious, and the body reacts to these impulses according to the experience built into the brain capacity. Given the correct correspondence, the higher, or unconscious Self can also influence the personality to be happy and contented, or confused and miserable. Further, it is appreciated that we directly influence others around us (we also can make them happy, cooperative, etc.) by our personality traits which are a direct result of our conscious thoughts. We can also influence people to do things, move objects and so forth, quite directly. Now, given these conditions, it is logical to assume that by projecting our intention as a thought-form into the atmosphere, this thought-energy will have a reaction upon another person or thing and cause the intention of your abstract thought to bring you the object of your desire. Always remember, also, that the Abstract World is a unity in which all reflections of this, while apparently separate, are also in unity. You, the driver of your body-machine, are connected not only to this body, but also to this Abstract World by way of your own individuality, or Abstract Self. By using the processes that we have outlined to you, which incorporate the general laws connecting the various levels of being, there is no reason why you cannot obtain all that Nature has to offer. Practice on small things first, continue with the exercise, and success will breed success.

Now you try: First form the mental image of your intention with the full knowledge of your faith in yourself and your own ability, and fill this image with hope, or decision, that it will fulfill its intention. Now, direct your thoughts towards a person whom you know can carry out your wishes; then keep concentrating upon that person knowing or hoping that he or she will react in your favor, using also your complete and utter belief that the person WILL do it. Finally, and this is most important, visualize yourself with the object of your intention, here and now. For example, if you require a car, you are mentally driving it; you are mentally furnishing and living in it; if you need a beloved, think of yourself with her or him etc. There are other wishes, and which of course are concerned with you entirely, and these are not projected externally. For example, if you wish to study for something, you imagine yourself being utterly able to cope the understanding of the course, able to do all the exercises, and then imagine yourself successfully sitting the examination and with the final diploma etc. If you are ill, then you can change the ideation of illness to one of health. As you can see, your intention in these cases, is directed towards yourself.

Excerpted from THE WAY TO PERSONAL SUCCESS by H.C. Fairbrother, Ph.D. In Collaboration With Richard, Duc de Palatine, D.D. Ph.D.

Richard Duc de Palatine (1916-1978). Richard Duc de Palatine, born Ronald Powell, studied in Melbourne before being ordained as a priest of the Liberal Catholic Church. In the early 1950’s, like so many Australians of his generation, de Palatine journeyed to London where in 1953 he was consecrated as Bishop Richard John Chretien Duc de Palatine by the Patriarch Hugh George de Willmott Newman of the United Orthodox Catholic Rite. The name of Duc de Palatine is a personal and spiritual title. On the 25th of October, 1953 the Most Rev. Richard Duc de Palatine established in London the Pre-Nicene Gnosto-Catholic Church, with the stated object of “restoring the Gnosis – Divine Wisdom to the Christian Church, and to teach the Path of Holiness which leads to God and the Inner Illumination and Interior Communion with the Soul through the mortal body of man.”

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