Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our acts are directed by our belief!

If you can make the reader believe anything no matter how absurd it is, he will prove it to be true by his experiments. This proves that our beliefs make us act and our acts are directed by our belief, for the wisdom or knowledge is in the belief. People are not aware of this.

Make man responsible for his belief and he will be as cautious what he believes as he is in what he says and does, for he will see that just as he measures out to another just so it will be measured out to him.

If you make a person believe that he is in danger of any trouble he will be affected just according to his belief, so all beliefs are to be analyzed like food or drink to see what it contains and how it acts upon the body, for the belief being in the mind, it shows itself on the body.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

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